Thursday, March 30, 2006

Die Subjonctif Die!!

I have an exam 2mora. yah for French!! I get an early start on my exams... oh goodie!! Well, there are benefits of having exams outside exam week... you do get more time to study for them i suppose. feh. And you are still in study mode, once exams start and classes end, it's harder to get up the energy to study.

Subjonctif rocks me socks. Il faut que tu fasses tes devoirs. Il est nécessaire que Maggie aille à tous ses classes. LOL! Tsk tsk... i'm frustrated at her for skipping for no good reason.

My tolerance is low. La stress me tue. Ne me parler pas s'il-te-plait.

~Maudite Monde.


Anonymous said...

haha i'm super frustrated too. wish me test on my entrance test for pharmacy on saturday =D and good luck on ur french exam =)

bio-hazerd said...

french eh?

good luck with that. you'll ace no probs, i promise you.