Sunday, March 13, 2005

Yesterday = Shopping Fun

Yesterday was très fun. After buying really pretty jewelery... (tons of earings and a butterfly necklace for me), Sharon, Celia and I drove down to SC mall. Sadly we didn't buy any new clothes, but Sharon tried on four dresses for prom. I still say the first one looked amazing on her. She tried to get Celia and I to try some on but we were stubborn. Both of then tried on a million shoes, but i have big feet and couldn't bother.

Two days ago i cut my hair much shorter and died it blonder. Although both S + C noticed yesterday, when i went to church today, nobody said anything. painful. I'm sure that nobody noticed, which normally would have been fine with any regular haircut, but let me tell you, my hair is really really bright right now. I think that it's very obvious that i colored it. So.... somebody should have said something. painful.

Soo much work to do!!!! Allez-vous en!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The old me, The new me...

Let me make this clear. I used to be a, I mean full out. I was a clothes obsested person! I cared so much about what people thought of me, but on the other hand i would yell and curse at them whenever i felt like it. I had no respect for anyone or anything, and my grades were terrible. I could not keep any secrets, but i had some pretty close friends. Let me say that i was a level B not too long ago. I would have done anything to become and A, and let me say that i did do a lot of things that i am not proud of now. (sorry to everyone about that hate mail...). All those mean jokes, and talks about people behind their backs... I don't understand how you ever forgave me.

That was the old me. Then came the next stage of life. I became a C. My grades got better, but i had lost a lot of friends. Although i became really tight with those friends that I had, i really wasn't happy. Now that we are in high school, and the letter system is a little different; i don't know where I stand.

Who am I, and where do I stand? I'm so confussed.