Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ha Ha, very funny...

OMG!! I'm really pissed off. 4:00am came around and all of a sudden I wake up to this really loud noise. It takes me a couple of seconds to realize it's the friggin' fire alarm. I think "WTF??" as I scurry around my room looking for my keys, cell phone, and a jacket. Then sleepily I begin the mass exiting of people from the building. Yes, I am very very pissed. I get outside and I don't really see anyone I know, so I text message Maggie to tell her how pissed off I am that it is 4 am and I'm outside in my PJs. Finally I find someone from my floor and we wait it out. She tells me that someone wished her a "happy april fools" on her way down the stairs and I realize that it was obviously a prank all along. Sadly I had been too sleepy to figure that out on my own. 20 mins later I'm back in my room - thanx to a sweet connection with the guy in charge of the elevator, we got in right away! I never really made it back to sleep again...
I'm glad they caught the guys who did it (I assume that the two boys in handcuffs were the them), and I hope they are severely punished. Ha ha, I admit, they fooled me, now they should die! lol. k, not really, but 4am is still an outrage!


Anonymous said...

I think that there must have been a group of people that decided to have a mass april fools joke...Some one pulled the alarm in my building too. We got back into the building at 3:30. Any one who pulls those alarms should be shot.

J.B. said...

Thats sucks they pulled the fire alarm. Well I guess its not such a good 1st of april for the both of u. WEll cheer up were in the last month of school!!

bio-hazerd said...

luckily for me i dont live on rez. SWEET.

magmers said...

awww poor heather and shannon...i got the text message at 5pm on was funny