Sunday, April 16, 2006

I'm a Goat

The Reincarnation Station:

I will be reincarnated as: A Goat

Almost 61% of people will be reincarnated as a higher form of life than you. There's quite a bit of room for improvement in your life. If you continue to follow your current path, many obstacles you await you in your next life.


bio-hazerd said...

I'm an elephant...

Almost 25% of people will be reincarnated as a higher form of life than you.

You're not perfect, but you've lead a better life than most. With a few changes now, your next life could be even better.

J.B. said...

I'm a wolf read my blog to see what is says!

Anonymous said...

i'm a zebra! =)

Souki said...

I'm a horse...haha

Only 20% of people will be reincarnated as a higher form of life than you.

Remain honorable in this life, and you can expect to be rewarded in your next life.