Friday, April 07, 2006

Third Exam Down - 2 To Go!

This morning I finished my third exam. *painful* Now all my courses in french are out of the way, all i have left are my two english courses. Sweeet! Sadly the number of courses I took in french this semester outweigh my english ones - this will explain why I'm going so crappy this term. (Not really a valid explanation seeing as how I understand everything just fine - lol).

I'm sooo bored and there is nothing to do but study... shame shame. Maybe i'll put that off for a little while and through myself a you-made-it-through-half-your-exams-so-far party. 2lol. Meh!

Course selection has started and my schedule is sooo f'ed up. that's all i have to say.


bio-hazerd said...

Shannon, it sounds like you're havig so much fun.

Anonymous said...

lol come back!!!! I miss YOU!!!!!!

PS i think i'm gonna go celebrate my bday a month late. haha.. feeling the need to stay home lately ... not that much studying gets done, but my conscious feels a little better =) not to mention i get into less trouble haha

J.B. said...

have a nice time home. see you after easter....then i owe u ice cream. too bad about your sch....mine are okay!

Anonymous said...

missing you already...does this mean no updates till you are back in ottawa??? you are leaving me all alone and trusting me to not eat cookies or ice cream..hmm