Friday, February 17, 2006

Guy's Fantacy

Last night was our post-v-day party. Heather, Ber & I went to Maggie's house after classes and had a Sex in the City Marathon. We vegeted, at cookies, crackers... and my fav: popcorn!! LOL! Ber bought the present she was going to give to her ex, and we had fun with it. Ya! for chocolate body paint! We decorated ourselves and each other, then licked it off. yummy! However, all the guys we told about doing this thought it was totally hot and were dying to come. Sorry - girls only night!

Today I finished my class ... well, for a week at least. lol! My first class wasn't too good... my essay got a really low mark... I just need to remind myself I'm not in high school anymore... crap can no longer get me by.

My second class however, really made my day. When we got back an assignment we had handed in a while back, the teacher pulled me aside - this totally freaked me out cuz I thought it was something bad that I had done, especially when she pulled out my essay and I saw red pen everywhere. Creepy! Nyways, it was actually a good thing. She told me it was fantastic! It showed great critical thinking skills, and she wanted to keep it as an exemplaire to show future students that this was how it should be done. Wow! It really felt great to hear that. Honestly, that's my favorite thing in the whole world to hear. No matter how crappy my day is, if a teacher tells me she likes my work enough to keep it, nothing can ruin the rest of my day. *smiles* I'm SOOO HAPPY!

My bro just called b4 I started to post - He passed (FINALLY!!) I'm proud.

I'll be home by the end of the weekend! Dimanche il faut que j'aille chez la famille de mon père avant que je puis retourner chez moi. Oui - ELLE serait là. Mierdita!!! Cette conne! This last word I learned in french class... it's a pretty bad word (incase your not up on your french swearing: it's lit. a part of a female, but it just means imbicile, or idiot [masculine version is 'con']). Je ne la détest pas vraiment, je suis seulement fatiguer de ses jeux. J'ai réfuser de répondre a sa dernière correo electronico. I can play games too.


Anonymous said...

lol if u refuse to respond to her courriel electronique, then are you really playing games with her? or are u just ignoring her? haha now isn't that food for thought. so which assignment was that?

bio-hazerd said...

so... you licked chocolate paint off another girl, eh?

Shannyn said...

to clarify, I only liked chocolate off myslef!

Anonymous said...

hey shannon
i hope all is good with you and you have a safe train ride home. see you on tuesday

bio-hazerd said...
