Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It Was Bolden Approved

So I was writing on of my first university papers, and I didn't know how to site something. What did I do? Well, I googled the cursed thing, but that didn't help, I couldn't find anything that would explain it, and when I did, it didn't really seem to be what I wanted. I didn't know what my next step was goign to be, so I tried to recall what I did last time I didn't know something like that. Of course I started to remember all these things about my high school, and the "CHITS". yea, i think we all remember those! Anyways, so I went back to web page approved by Bolden and that actually worked. It's weird that I thought of going back there.
No matter how many hours we spent making fun of the CHITS, I wish I had one now!


Anonymous said...

lolz.. high school came back to haunt you *muahahahahaaaaaa* not me yet! haha instead, university is causing me to slowly fall into a hole from which there is no escape. hahaaaaaaa i'm tired.
- posted at 5:17 am Nov 10

bio-hazerd said...

oh... my... gawd...