Friday, November 25, 2005

Everything Is Always Right In The World - and it always has been

If they did a study to see what teenagers complain about the most, I'm 99% sure the results would all point to school work. Although we all complain about our work shifts, our families, or even our friends, I still think school work would come out on the top. I wish I could learn the techniques of simply ignoring it. I'm going to spend my weekend shopping and preparing myself for my first exam next week. Joy!
Whenever I'm not writing my blog, I come up with all these witty things to say, but sadly nothing is coming to me right now. feh.
So today I told one of my new friends my "life plan". (You know, the one where I marry a rich old guy and never have to actually work.) She didn't take it very well. I don't think she thought it was realistic. She told me that I would get bored of not doing anything. She is so naive. Silly little brunette doesn't understand the dream life of a true blonde. lol - ya, that does mean that I'm s blonde again. All is right in the world.

I miss my car. All I want to do right now is drive away from my problems. I want to drive fast. To push that peddle, and go really fast. A car would be convenient. I miss the exceleration. When I get back, I'm taking my lovely car for a spin. We will go fast. Everything will just fly by me, and I will be in control. Dream come true.

1 comment:

bio-hazerd said...

I think I agree with the brunette. =)