Sunday, October 02, 2005


For those who know me pretty well, you will know that I have a very low tolerance for spicy food. Well, this will shock you then... yesterday some of the girls on my floor invited me to share some of their tacos because they had bought + made too much. So, naturally, I was like... "yummm, I love tacos" which wasn't exactly 100% truthful. Anyways, I went down to the kitchen, stuffed a "medium" (which was very painfully hot - i don't usually even like the mild ones!) taco down. It killed me, and at one moment I was wondering if I was going to start crying cuz it was just sooo spicy. These are the things one has to do to make friends I suppose. Oh ya, I forgot to add, they made root beer flots, which was never a favorite flavor of mine, but I was like.. "root beer flots, that is so cool! OMG! I haven't had one in sooo long!!!" but what i really meant by that little fib, was that I had actually never had one, and think the tast of root beer is too strong. Nevertheless, when you need something to wash down the spicy taco, it tasts great! lol... tacos are good.... it's just that my tolerance is lower than average. Anyways, this moringing I got up early, has a shower, did two loads of laundry, read a chapter for one of my classes, did some dirty dishes from breakfast, and ate lunch. All of this took three hours. I felt so productive. I still have more to do, so TTYL!


XXX said...

Keep on keeping on. Life can be great, full of chaos and purpose.
Regards, Andy Clair

bio-hazerd said...

did you know that spicy food is spicy.

Anonymous said...

BOO haha yumz..... tacosss i think i would get along with those ppl just fine haha. =P see you later alligator!