Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Daily Rant

Dear World,
School is sucking just simply because I am still trying to catch up from my weekend of skipping work. So much to do... so little time before my midterms. I'm really starting to hate my classes... of course that hatred doesn't include Spanish.... it's the one course I do enjoy... mostly because the teacher likes me and thinks I am intelligent. Let me do some spanish homework right now:
Me Gusta ir de compras,
Voy de compras cada dia,
Quieria usted ir de compras conmigo?
(ignore the lack of accents and lack of upside question mark at the beginning of the last sentance, just because i told you to.)
I should probably take the quiet time that I have now to get some work done... but I just know that as soon as I pick up my book, my ever so delightful neighbour will tern up his bass and my room will begin to shack.. and I will not be able to concentrate. I suppose it is infact worth a try though... TTYL!!

P.S. Happy BDay Kate!


bio-hazerd said...

gasolina por favor? si si!

i dunno, i was watching this lady speak spanish in the terminator movie. anyway. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! trust in the pink elephant, it will guide you through.

Anonymous said...

yes, study studystudy!! haha, easier said than done. anyways chem SUCKSSSS haha ttyl