Friday, August 05, 2005


Okay, doing my space time yesterday I made a DVD called "2005 Graduates" which is basically a slide show of all the pictures I have of my classemates, friends, and closer-friends from our high school years.... if I had a lot of pics of you or movie clips of you, you are a star. I am the biggest star (obviously!), then Heather, then Alice, then Sharon... My sub stars are Jenny W., Both Celias, and Janet. The people that do make an apperance and I have a couple pics of you are: Jenny C(6), Sammy(5), Robin(2+), Jamie (5), Krista (5), Tara (6+), Rochelle (5+), Steph (4), Dasha (4+), Kate (+2), Helen (3+), Michelle (6), Doris, amy, shannon, patrick... renée, elyse, patty, <-- they all show up at least 2-3 times! Anyways... i'll give a copy to any of my big or sub stars but otherwise you will have to borrow it. If you do actually want a copy, it's free.... but you have to find a way to get it! BTW- the total length of the movie is about 12 mins. That seems short but there is soooo much to see! For example, in just 3 mins and 45 secs, you see 12 movie clips and 105 pictures flash by! Crazy huh!? Anyways... that's all I had to say on that topic - enjoy the rest of your summer!

1 comment:

bio-hazerd said...

what the...?! how the hell did i get onto your grad dvd?!?!?