Thursday, September 14, 2006

She wonders...

I was going to blog tonight about school. Then that changed to how odd my parents are being this year... but I don't really feel like talking about either of those subjects at the moment. I do on the other hand have another topic on my mind. I think there is this guy in one of my classes that may like me. I thought so last year too, but then we spent a whole summer without talking... yet this year seems like we are just continuing from where we left off when school ended. I'm not going into detail (I never know who reads this these days.), but suffice it to say he is making the advances known in american culture to suggest he wants to get to know me better. If I found him attractive I would let that be clear, but there is no chemistry... so I am sadly undecided about what to do.

Craig... did you know both of our new roommates sing? Well, D. sings quite often... in the bathroom, in his room... actually... he sings a lot! And A., I caught her singing in the kitchen today.... lol.

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