Monday, January 09, 2006

Guys & Dogs

I was walking through campus early tonight and my friend and I passed this guy walking the cutest dog ever. Ber was totally into the dog so we stopped with some other girls who were already there to pet the dog. Seriously, this dog would totally make any girl stop to play with it, cuz it was so small and friendly... nyways, so ya, a group of girls had stopped to play with this amazingly cute dog who was being walked my is sexy male owner. It was obvious to all of us that the guy probably had planned to use this dog to get chicks but we didn't care. I WANT THAT DOG!! lol... oddly enough, the guy didn't make a move on any of the girls, in fact, he didn't even say anything! Let it be known as a fact, that if you are a half decent guy walking a happy little puppy, you could get ANY girl you wanted. That's just how it is.
I miss my own doggie...


bio-hazerd said...

he's gay. (which shouldn't really matter to you anyhow... lol)

Anonymous said...

but the puppy!! the puppy!! Think of the puppy!!

bio-hazerd said...

the puppy is a puppy is a puppy.