Saturday, December 10, 2005

Three Exams To Go!

I'm just a little bit closer to going home then I was last time I updated.
Last night was our floor christmas party. All the people who got along with each other went out for dinner at a restaurant. I ordered fish - how classy. lol. I think the person I got as my secret santa liked her gift. I basically got her exactly what her roommate told me to get. lol. As for my gift, I got a spongebob-square-pants calender for next year and some swiss chocolate. yummy. Some girl on my floor saw a picture of Patrick (the starfish from ssp) that I had printed out and colored for decoration and came to the conclusion that I liked it and told me secret santa. I really like it though! It's just that it's a pretty small picture of Patrick, and it's random that she noticed it. Tis okay.
I had an exam today. Who knows how I did. Philosophy sucks, you can never know afterwards if you did well or not. Anyways, I used some of the chocolate I got last night as a study tool (reward/punishment). lol. Doing something good got me chocolate. Doing something bad didn't get me any.
I'll be home soon.

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