Tuesday, December 13, 2005

STILL Have Three To Go!

Last night was horrible, I felt SO sick! It's a terrible feeling to be alone and sick. I didn't have a doctor mom to tell me what to do. So I just sat in my room, feeling like I was going to be sick until I feel asleep. There was nothing I could really do about it. Thus, I used the old grin-it and bare-it. I woke up this morning feeling fine, except with the lack of studying on my conscience. oops. feh, i'll be home soon.

Life is all about grinning and baring the situation. What a painful society.

1 comment:

bio-hazerd said...

well pretty much. you gotta go thru life by gritting your teeth and enduring the pain no matter how bad it is. don't worry, once all your exams are done, once you get back to your cozy home in stouffville, ontario. everything will be fine.