Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sexy Banana Hammick is 20!

Yesterday was Heather's 20th birthday!! I'm sorry about not blogging yesterday, it was kind of a busy day - otherwise I so would have wished her a happy birthday!! lol. (HAPPY BELATED!!) ha ha. So anyways, we started off the party with bowling!! I sucked again... which is the most hilarious as I once took lessons. Perhaps things you learn in 5 pin bowling cannot be transfered over to 10 pin. ha ha! Umm, so yea then we went to the mall for dinner.. where I got to meet ber's and maggie's new bfs. I'm still sticking by that cmm reference maggie!

(sorry to maggie and everyone else at our table who heard me speaking french. I once heard of a francophone lady who had perfect french, but would not speak a single word of it when she knew that an anglophone was around. My grandmother told me this story because she had once heard this lady speaking french when she didn't know my grandmother was there, but as soon as she discovered it, she wouldn't speak another word of it so as not to be rude. I always admired that woman because I know that it is kinda mean to have a conversation another person cannot understand. So let me just apologize now for speaking french to sean and leaving everyone else out of the conversation.)

Afterwards we met up at Heather's place for monopoly and a little dance party to random music Craig downloaded. ha ha. As the game ended technically 30 mins after Heather's date of birth, her brother didn't have to feel guilty about not letting her win... as he came out a very rich man. Monopoly is awesome! Of course, so was playing Friends Scene It friday night with Maggie at her place. Out of the three of us, I so should have done better. Clearly Beckie and I need to team up and squish everyone else!

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