Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Luckiest Magic Frog

Today at work, I was carrying some plants down an aisle and thus couldn't really see the floor. In the middle of this aisle, little did I know, was something about the size of a pop can, but much softer. I accidentally kicked it with my foot (remember, I couldn't see it cuz of the plants in the way). I happened to kick it right into my path again and then accidentally stepped on it with my other foot. It made a crack! WAIT - WHAT! I turned around and there was a squished frog. I figured it was just some dead frog so I keep walking down the aisle because my plants are heavy and I planned to come right back to remove the frog from the middle of the aisle. But as I am walking away, I see the flat frog re-inflate itself. Gross! I think nothing of it, but when I come back to move the dead frog, it turns out to be alive and I see it hop off under one of the stands. Somehow, either kicked, stepped on and flattened frogs don't die, or this was a magic frog that is now pissed at my attempt to take it's life and is plotting to come after me.

After the frog incident I was more than a bit jumpy. I made sure I could always see the path infront of me, and that it was clear of any frog like shapes. lol. There are lots of birds around but when I saw one after my frog incident it made me jump like crazy cuz i thought it was a jumping frog. ah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have kissed it. It could have been a prince. ;)