Monday, December 18, 2006

Post I Wrote on the Train

Sitting here on the train, thinking about last night’s fun. Also listening to some music (Maggie, after hearing Incubus’ Anna Molly, I don’t really think that your friend Ian sounds like them, but I think the band itself in general does a little bit). So last night after my last exam Maggie came over and we hung out at my place until we got hungry, then we went out for dinner at the Royal Oak. Good food! Afterwards we headed down to see Maggie’s old co-worker in his band. I have to say they were like a million times better than what I expected (and very nice too!!) I got to meet their groupie (ha ha!) and got a free CD in the end! It was such a perfect night and I had the best time! Got back a little late… couldn’t sleep for a while because I kept thinking of things to pack that I had forgotten. Meh… I really hope I didn’t forget anything!

So far I have watched Mary Poppins and played a lot of mindsweeper and freecel. Good times…. but my battery is running low now so I don’t know what I am going to do for the rest of the trip! Seeing as how it’s only been a little over half way I think I’ll die of boredom before I make it!

So I am thrilled about this trip home. School is sucking… and next semester I am going to die… none of my courses are in English! What was I thinking? Maybe I am crazy… that sounds likely. Anyways, I am on the other hand looking forward to next semester… some classes are promising. Plus if things work out with people coming to visit me, it should be full of good times. I just need to get over my hatred for the weather here. Ha ha…. Next semester is going to be ultra cold, I can just feel it. It’s been too nice out these past few days that I can only guess how bad it is going to get in the next two months.

Anyways, I when I get the chance to post this I will be home and will have the chance to see everyone I miss!

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