Saturday, February 02, 2008


I woke up at 7:30am to see the groundhog report, but after an hour and a half of news all I got was that Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter. I was pretty bummed out, lol. Then finally some time before lunch I discovered that Wiarton Willie, along with most of the other groundhogs predicted an early spring. I was very happy. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy groundhog day! You are soo sweet!!
Then Craig invited me out for "groundhog" tails (aka beaver tails)... followed by a walk downtown into some of the cute stores. Then he convinces me to go to the lululemon warehouse sale. I wanted to go since Thursday, but I knew I was too weak not to spend money there and thought it was best to stay away. Well, I went... and only got one thing! But I saved like 50%! yah! So all in all it was a pretty good groundhog day... especially since we are going to have an EARLY SPRING!! :) :)

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