Saturday, February 16, 2008

Freedom and Boredom Walk Hand in Hand

HEY!! It's officially reading week! YAH!! I'm still up here in snowy Ottawa, but I'll be home soon! Just like last year I thought it would be a great plan to stay up here for a bit before returning home so that I can get as much stuff done as possible (thus not having to bring tons of books home with me) but once again I find myself with few assignments I feel like starting. I just handed in this week a whole ton of stuff, and the week after reading week is serious midterm time... but it's too early to study now... lol.
Big NEWS! Today is the first day I EVER changed a light bulb ALL BY MY SELF!! That's RIGHT! I even went to the store myself to buy the replacements! Okay, I know I'm like 20 and something like this should have happened years ago... but spoiled little me just did it now. PLUS I didn't even hurt myself (no electrical shock or anything!) Impressive, eh?!

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