Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Am I In The 8th Grade? If Only.

Today I saw my eighth grade teacher. She came up to me at work to ask me a question... and I just stared at her. It has obviously been years since I last saw her... but I recognized her right away. She talked to me en anglais - that was the strangest part. lol. Then when I got home I called my friend from elementary school who I haven't seen in forever and we gossiped just like we were thirteen again. ha ha. Right now I really feel like an imature teenie-bopper. Shame things aren't as simple as they were back then. I remember swearing I would never complicate my life single handedly. I never forsaw that the world would do it for me.

Je pense à toi... mais je ne te le dirais jamais. Je ne suis pas forte... mais je te donnerais tout que j'ai pour te guérir. Je veux simplement savoir la vérité en tous moments. Peut-être ceci est impossible... ou bien t'a peur de le dire toi-même. Don't worry - I can take it... I think.

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