Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The old me, The new me...

Let me make this clear. I used to be a bi.ch, I mean full out. I was a clothes obsested person! I cared so much about what people thought of me, but on the other hand i would yell and curse at them whenever i felt like it. I had no respect for anyone or anything, and my grades were terrible. I could not keep any secrets, but i had some pretty close friends. Let me say that i was a level B not too long ago. I would have done anything to become and A, and let me say that i did do a lot of things that i am not proud of now. (sorry to everyone about that hate mail...). All those mean jokes, and talks about people behind their backs... I don't understand how you ever forgave me.

That was the old me. Then came the next stage of life. I became a C. My grades got better, but i had lost a lot of friends. Although i became really tight with those friends that I had, i really wasn't happy. Now that we are in high school, and the letter system is a little different; i don't know where I stand.

Who am I, and where do I stand? I'm so confussed.

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