Monday, March 06, 2006

Post 202 - A Surprising Revelation!

Yesterday, before I went to Maggie's house, I decided my printer's black ink really needed to be changed. I used to think that there was no point of even trying myself to change it, but seeing as how I was alone, I figured I should at least try it before I call a guy to do it for me. Ya, there was a lot of struggling that occurred... but I eventually found the instruction (*the bible for doing manual labour*) and fiddled about with the cartridge... and I eventually was able to do the whole thing myself!!! Okay, you might say... that's just kinda sad Shannon. But I JUST discovered the surprising self satisfaction that occurs when you do something all by yourself! It is actually a pretty cool feeling.

Nyways, after that and some more studying - midterm 2mora! ack!! - Zoe drove Maggie and I to Maggie's house - lol, for once it wasn't me doing the driving! Maggie and I saw Sixteen Candles which is my new favoritest movie! A part from a few creepy lines, I think the geek in that movie is SOOO cute!!!! awww..... he is adorable!

Gotta go back to studying.


J.B. said...
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J.B. said...

Good luck tomorrow!

bio-hazerd said...

see? you don't need other ppl to do your own dirty work! ;-)

good luck on the midterm!

Anonymous said...

sorry about last night