The way my blog is set up, is that I know who reads it, and therefore what I can and cannot say. Finding out that someone I didn't know had read my blog - and possibly has been reading my blog for a while - was a total shocker. I just hope I never said anything bad about them. I really have to watch what I say. Since when was a blog not about what you want to say, but about what you can say? Isn't that what real life is for? When you are restricted to saying certain things... but in my blog, I always wanted it to be more private... so that I could say whatever I wanted without the fear of someone feeling hurt.
Please tell me who you are Mr./Ms. Anonymous. I'm pretty sure you are a female from d.h.p.s. just tell me who you are!!! *pretty please with a cherry on top* It's mostly a matter of curiousity. I do like to know who reads this.
get better soon
Good design!
[url=http://whljsoof.com/wbib/kkph.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://otkvokrp.com/twoj/dzrz.html]Cool site[/url]
Thank you!
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Nice site!
http://whljsoof.com/wbib/kkph.html | http://nimuahof.com/wllt/khfd.html
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