P.S. I'm learning now why most blogs don't have music on them. It's cuz you get really sick of the song too quickly! Maybe I should take the music off... feh, whenever I have the time.
Don't ask about the title of this blog. My fav animals are elephants and i used to be really into ballet. The title emplies that whole evil prepy thing which kind of bothers me but... i don't have an end to that sentence. Preppy-ness sucks, but my title is awesome, so just leave me alone!!! P.S. I hate reading over my posts - excuse the mistakes~
P.S. I'm learning now why most blogs don't have music on them. It's cuz you get really sick of the song too quickly! Maybe I should take the music off... feh, whenever I have the time.
some song are ageless, while others last only a minute. Summer is here and rejoice school is almost over!!
i wanna go home or too windsor boys suck...poo school is almost over which means u are leaving:(
love the sunglasses
you look like... a diva. *thumbsup*
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