Yesterday, before I went to Maggie's house, I decided my printer's black ink really needed to be changed. I used to think that there was no point of even trying myself to change it, but seeing as how I was alone, I figured I should at least try it before I call a guy to do it for me. Ya, there was a lot of struggling that occurred... but I eventually found the instruction (*the bible for doing manual labour*) and fiddled about with the cartridge... and I eventually was able to do the whole thing myself!!! Okay, you might say... that's just kinda sad Shannon. But I JUST discovered the surprising self satisfaction that occurs when you do something all by yourself! It is actually a pretty cool feeling. Nyways, after that and some more studying - midterm 2mora! ack!! - Zoe drove Maggie and I to Maggie's house - lol, for once it wasn't me doing the driving! Maggie and I saw Sixteen Candles which is my new favoritest movie! A part from a few creepy lines, I think the geek in that movie is SOOO cute!!!! awww..... he is adorable!
Gotta go back to studying.
Good luck tomorrow!
see? you don't need other ppl to do your own dirty work! ;-)
good luck on the midterm!
sorry about last night
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