Friday was lots of fun. Picked up Tacky + Robin, and came to my house. We watched Memoirs of a Geisha - soooo good. Then we went to a 50s style restaurant and had chicken fingers and fries, even though Alice really really wanted a waffle. So, we went to the Pickle Barrel afterwards for her awesome aweful while Robin and I had these ever popular Killer Shakes (strawberry rocks!). Dropped Tacky off at work, drove Robin home, then came home and had pizza with family - let's just say I was going to die. TOOOO MUCH FOOD! lol. No matters.
Oh ya, and while at the Pickle Barrel, Tacky and I saw this teacher we had had in grade eleven. She was actually the one who recognized us! Creepy! Nyways, seeing her disproved a lot of things people had said - rumours aren't always right! Lol, her son was cutish... not the cutest though.
Yesterday I wanted to get work done but my mother made me clean the house with her and go all over town doing chores... evil evil. I got out of a couple of things, but I ended up doing nothing! Ack! I ended up burning I lot of DVDs though!!! *smiles* now people can watch my movies on an actual screen!! - scandelous!
Today, gots to go to church this morning - i'm up freakishly early! I can't believe I have time to post b4 I leave! *shocked* Anyways, seeing as how it's my last day here, I will probably not get anything done again... shame shame.
you enjoyed yourslef thats all that matters
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!11
thanks for the REALLY belated X-mas and Festivus card Shan. I really really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much its in my box of cool stuff right now, where the message of Christmas and Festivus will forever lay in my heart.
yes... and I'll give Michelle Su the card once I see her, hopefully soon.
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