Nyways, yesterday I spent the day with Heather @ Maggie's place. Maggie promised I would get work done and convinced me to come... but in reality, I made little progress... grrrr! Well, during one really really long study break, Heather & I drew all over Maggie... both her arms and feet and back were pretty much covered. lol. Heather drew this awesome pic of Foamy on Maggie's arm which happily has not started to fade, whereas apparently the rest is got slightly rubbed off on her sheets last night. ha ha.
I did however get enough work done to go with them and the rest of my friends to see "underworld" in theaters last night. Seeing as how I didn't see the first one, and it's not my type of movie, i'd give it a pretty low rating. I don't really suggest that you go see it, even if you liked the first one, since apparently it's not as good.
Today I didn't do much except some work. I got a surprising email de ma tante. C'était le type de questionnaire quand tu dois répondre à les questions à propos de ta vie. Normalement je ne ferais rien, mais une question lui avait demandé qui elle voudrait savoir les réponses de le plus, puis elle a dit YO. Mierda! She's never really done anything like this before! Mis respuestas no son buenas!! Donc, j'ai menti! J'ai renvoyer le stupide questionnaire a ella solo. Les réponeses là ne sont pas les même que j'aurais envoyer mes amis. Pensez-vous qu'elle saurait ceci? C'était très évidant qu'elle était la suelle personne de recevoir le couriel. Can you see through my little game? Is it obvious? I need to know!
what the hell does the french say and i am sorry for us not doing much work usually heather and i are good together at doing work.....
haha est-ce que tu as dit "je t'aime" LOLZ hehe
"bonjour ma belle tante! comment ca va? je deteste quand vous m'envoyez des choses comme ceci. je SAIS que c'est tout un plan stupide pour savoir plus a propos de ma vie! J'ai un vie OK? et je ne fais pas des choses stupides que peut-etre tu aimerais faire - surtout les choses avec les gars. Alors laisse-moi tranquille! HA
PS mais merci, quand meme, pour me montrer que tu m'aimes. =D
une petite voix dans la tete de shannon sweeney ---- euuuuuhhh, d'une amie de shannon sweeney"
LOL i wonder.... i hope no one in ur family reads ur blog...... haha
hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. well, it's all just for jokes anywayssss right? haha to all those non-french reading people out there. hahahahah *points and laughs* this will be a little secret between me and shannon. hehe =P
anyways buddy, hope u'r having "the time of your life" (ahhhh it was soooo innocent before you came along!!) lolz and don't worry about not being productive, i'm sure u'll always get ur work done in the end *thumbs up* good job buddy!
ps: you may remove this post if it bothers you =D
wow, that was a long post eh? HIIIIII SHANNON!! I MISS YOU!! and Robin's awesome =D
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