This morning I pulled a super nerdy move by getting up at six something to study. I do think it helped, but we shall see when I get THAT mark back. As for linguistics midterm - 87% ( a pretty decent mark I suppose). My stupid teacher took the longest time to go through the test... I was going to scream. Feh! Nyways, tonight was intesting. I had an early dinner, then quick shower, then got into my pjs and was not really planning to do much else. But then Maggie came by after her midterm (psh... if you can do it in less than 30 mins it's ONLY A QUIZ!) So ya, she and Heather were planning to go out tonight, but b/c I was there, they invited me. At first pub we went to they wanted an I.D. check, even though I wasn't going to drink or eat anything - first of all I don't drink anything, and secondly I had just as dinner. So ya, they turned us down but M + H were kind enough to look for another place so that we could hang out as group. ^.^ thanx. The last place we went to let me in but weren't going to let me order any alcohol - no problem there! So ya, we were there for a little while and I just got back. 2mora = shopping + sleepover @ Maggies!! YAH!
you seem to be living an interesting life.
lol so how much time do you spend studying for midterms again?
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