Tuesday, February 28, 2006
It's F'in Cold Up Here!!!
Nyways, now I'm back at school and have so much to catch up on. March is hell month for me... I'm really not looking forward to the start of it. It's going to be bad. Really bad. I just have so much to do... and only one month to do it all. High Stress!! I guess I should apologize in advance if I'm a little edgy this month... just ignore me.
When it's this cold, I really don't feel like getting any work done. I need to get out of my rez, it's mostly cold here but fine in the rest of the school.
HAPPY PANCAKE DAY - I wish I had gotten pancakes today... Maggie's right, the caf really should have sold them!
As for 2mora, happy ash wednesday! - Don't you just love random religious holidays? Okay, I know they aren't random, they have a point, I just don't remember what it was at this time. TTYL
Monday, February 27, 2006
Post From The Train
I just realized that since I’m in Word, I could be writing in any language I please. *happy thoughts* I don’t mean to be evil to those who can’t read what I write, but I’m just thinking how nice it would be to actually spell things properly on my Blog, so it all doesn’t come out in gibberish when you try to online-translate it (even once you figured out what language it is in – lol!).
But I don’t really have anything to say right now, I’m not too frustrated with anything… in fact, I’m quite relaxed. Anything I’m angry about could be said easily in English.
Oh! I just thought of something exciting!! Only two more months of school!! YAH!!! Once the first + and a half hellish months are over, I’ll be practically home free too!! After that, I’ll just have 2 more exams, and then I can come home and do whatever the f I want. – Til May when I have to go to work… lol! Thus I really only have like a free day or two… ack!
Nyways, only a few hours to before I am back at school.
BYE! / Au revoir! / Hasta la Vista! / Adiós!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Here's A New One For Ya...

In principle, why should I be complaining? I get like whatever I want, and Ry gets half that. I should be the happiest chick around. But I honestly just feel bad for my bro. It's not fair for him - it's just cuz he's a boy. And I'm the perfect little girl. LOL!
An Update...

Friday was lots of fun. Picked up Tacky + Robin, and came to my house. We watched Memoirs of a Geisha - soooo good. Then we went to a 50s style restaurant and had chicken fingers and fries, even though Alice really really wanted a waffle. So, we went to the Pickle Barrel afterwards for her awesome aweful while Robin and I had these ever popular Killer Shakes (strawberry rocks!). Dropped Tacky off at work, drove Robin home, then came home and had pizza with family - let's just say I was going to die. TOOOO MUCH FOOD! lol. No matters.
Oh ya, and while at the Pickle Barrel, Tacky and I saw this teacher we had had in grade eleven. She was actually the one who recognized us! Creepy! Nyways, seeing her disproved a lot of things people had said - rumours aren't always right! Lol, her son was cutish... not the cutest though.
Yesterday I wanted to get work done but my mother made me clean the house with her and go all over town doing chores... evil evil. I got out of a couple of things, but I ended up doing nothing! Ack! I ended up burning I lot of DVDs though!!! *smiles* now people can watch my movies on an actual screen!! - scandelous!
Today, gots to go to church this morning - i'm up freakishly early! I can't believe I have time to post b4 I leave! *shocked* Anyways, seeing as how it's my last day here, I will probably not get anything done again... shame shame.
Friday, February 24, 2006
A Post In English!
I understand where you are comming from - why post something online if you don't want people to read it? Well... I do want some people to read it - others not so much... So I'm sorry to those I make suffer b/c they can't read it. In fact, I know only one person who can actually read any of it - YOU ROCK TACKY! I wish everyone that I like could read it - and we could block out everyone else... but that's not possible. In honesty, I wouldn't post something here that I didn't want the world to see, so I guess I like it when people try to figure out what I am saying... even though typing in english, french, and spanish, (and sometimes even italian), can be really confussing. I think I'm trying to keep my thoughts locked up by hiding them in other languages, but secretly I do want you to know what I deal with. There are just certain things I don't feel comfortable saying in English - just incase someone I rant about were to come across this... that would be uncomfortable.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
If I didn't have a car - I would die.
today - homework - totally less cool.
I was kinda planning to get some work done today... yah - things like that don't usually work out. I decided this morning that it was too early to start... then I watch Edward Scissorhand (I think it was a really good movie!!)... then it was lunch time! So, i wasted a lot of time doing nothing. Then I wanted to give my homework a fresh chance to get done... but I got sidetracked by msn. Then picked bro up from school, we picked up some stuff - ick! Then after dinner he took me for a short drive with mom. Lol... I forgot how jerky the car can be when you are first learning to drive. feh.
En Somme, I did like nothing all day... but I did want a day to relax.
Je ne comprends pas porque piensas que tu peut tradurre todo que escribo. Like Seriously! No peudas! Deseo enventar una lingua por mi solo. And of course, those loyal readers I trust and take into confidence. Dans la réalidad, tengo una lingua por mi - il s'appelle franglish. I don't even hablo certain idiomas dans laquelle j'écris. Isn't that just sad! I only know of un lecteur qui comprend presque tous que j'escribo. It must be really hard for anyone to read this paragraph. It's just really messed up!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Why Did I Ever Think Homework Would Get Done?
Monday, February 20, 2006
Light Switch... I should have known.
In other news - for my first day back home, I'm spending the day in true Shannyn fashion. SHOPPING! And tomorrow, guess what I'm doing... SHOPPING!!! LOL! *Sammy roles his eyes a little and laughs* *Alice jumps up and down cuz she gets to hang out with me today* *Maggie jumps up and down cuz she gets to hang out with me 2mora* *everyone else who reads this wishes I mentioned their names*
Friday, February 17, 2006
Guy's Fantacy

Today I finished my class ... well, for a week at least. lol! My first class wasn't too good... my essay got a really low mark... I just need to remind myself I'm not in high school anymore... crap can no longer get me by.
My second class however, really made my day. When we got back an assignment we had handed in a while back, the teacher pulled me aside - this totally freaked me out cuz I thought it was something bad that I had done, especially when she pulled out my essay and I saw red pen everywhere. Creepy! Nyways, it was actually a good thing. She told me it was fantastic! It showed great critical thinking skills, and she wanted to keep it as an exemplaire to show future students that this was how it should be done. Wow! It really felt great to hear that. Honestly, that's my favorite thing in the whole world to hear. No matter how crappy my day is, if a teacher tells me she likes my work enough to keep it, nothing can ruin the rest of my day. *smiles* I'm SOOO HAPPY!
My bro just called b4 I started to post - He passed (FINALLY!!) I'm proud.
I'll be home by the end of the weekend! Dimanche il faut que j'aille chez la famille de mon père avant que je puis retourner chez moi. Oui - ELLE serait là. Mierdita!!! Cette conne! This last word I learned in french class... it's a pretty bad word (incase your not up on your french swearing: it's lit. a part of a female, but it just means imbicile, or idiot [masculine version is 'con']). Je ne la détest pas vraiment, je suis seulement fatiguer de ses jeux. J'ai réfuser de répondre a sa dernière correo electronico. I can play games too.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Post-Vday Post
Je retourne en cuatro dias. Je suis très content! *excité*
Can't wait to see mon frère - qui j'adore - mais est totalement un imbicile. Je me demande QUI - in their right mind - peut rater le premier examen pour conduire. Seriously!!
Back to mes devoirs. Gotta love homework!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Tuesday!

My two cents on love are that it doesn't really exist, but if it does - I am simply uncapable of the emotion. I have never really felt it, so I have no proof to support it - but this principal isn't a solid base for my beliefs, since I believe in God, but have no solid proof that he exists.
If love exists, I doubt you can find it at age 18. I'm too young. We are too young.
Marrying for love is a waist of time, at least while marrying for money you can get something out of it!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Party Left Overs
Weekend was fun... but now it's time to buckle down and get to work. If I get a lot done now I can shop more when I'm home...
Everything ALWAYS relates back to shopping!!
- The Life And Times Of A Blonde
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Post # 185
After my french midterm on Friday I met up with Maggie & Heather. Did lunch. Then decided to leave my coat in rez since it wasn't THAT cold out, and the three of us went to really far mall. Spent some time there, met up with Berenika. Shopped some more. Left, froze all the way to back to my rez... damn the cold! Winter seemed to be doing okay up until lately. Nyways, made it back to Maggie's house. Heather did out nails. I have pink flowers on them, Maggie has ladybugs, and Heather has the sky. We watched 'Annie'. The sun WILL come out 2mora! As well as the opening ceremony for the olympics. This last one is really more of a fashion show then anything. Canada's coats weren't that nice... and I really hate the hats. But NOTHING - do I need to repeat 'nothing'? - was worse then Germany's outdfits. GAG!
Woke up at Maggie's house this morning... turned the t.v., but kept it on mute so as not to wake up H & M. Watched skiing, speed skating + hockey... all on the french channel without even knowing it. LOL! Woot for Canada's metal in skiing!!
When they woke up, we spent a while cleaning her house to get ready for Heather's & Ber's bday party. While making cookies I badly burned my thumb and less painfully another fingure. It is going to be really hard to write or do much school work now... what a shame. lol. It really really hurts though! And i'm not saying that to milk pity support from readers!!
Good party. And thanx to Zoe for driving me home!! Ottawa is f'in cold!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Post # 184

This morning I pulled a super nerdy move by getting up at six something to study. I do think it helped, but we shall see when I get THAT mark back. As for linguistics midterm - 87% ( a pretty decent mark I suppose). My stupid teacher took the longest time to go through the test... I was going to scream. Feh! Nyways, tonight was intesting. I had an early dinner, then quick shower, then got into my pjs and was not really planning to do much else. But then Maggie came by after her midterm (psh... if you can do it in less than 30 mins it's ONLY A QUIZ!) So ya, she and Heather were planning to go out tonight, but b/c I was there, they invited me. At first pub we went to they wanted an I.D. check, even though I wasn't going to drink or eat anything - first of all I don't drink anything, and secondly I had just as dinner. So ya, they turned us down but M + H were kind enough to look for another place so that we could hang out as group. ^.^ thanx. The last place we went to let me in but weren't going to let me order any alcohol - no problem there! So ya, we were there for a little while and I just got back. 2mora = shopping + sleepover @ Maggies!! YAH!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Studying... posting breaks the silence.

Last night's floor meeting went alright. But I did miss GG. Now I have to wait until the weekend to find out what happened. ARG!
Frustration rains over my roof. Midterms are putting me on the edge. Jumping will be fatal. Don't push me... that's fatal too. Backing down peacefully is also not the best solution. Just got to slowly move foward. Damn the wind... you sway me too much!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Morning Thoughts
Only two more midterms this week... then i'm good for the rest of the month! woot!! sweetness.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Super Bowl Weekend... how terribly exciting!

Nyways, yesterday I spent the day with Heather @ Maggie's place. Maggie promised I would get work done and convinced me to come... but in reality, I made little progress... grrrr! Well, during one really really long study break, Heather & I drew all over Maggie... both her arms and feet and back were pretty much covered. lol. Heather drew this awesome pic of Foamy on Maggie's arm which happily has not started to fade, whereas apparently the rest is got slightly rubbed off on her sheets last night. ha ha.
I did however get enough work done to go with them and the rest of my friends to see "underworld" in theaters last night. Seeing as how I didn't see the first one, and it's not my type of movie, i'd give it a pretty low rating. I don't really suggest that you go see it, even if you liked the first one, since apparently it's not as good.
Today I didn't do much except some work. I got a surprising email de ma tante. C'était le type de questionnaire quand tu dois répondre à les questions à propos de ta vie. Normalement je ne ferais rien, mais une question lui avait demandé qui elle voudrait savoir les réponses de le plus, puis elle a dit YO. Mierda! She's never really done anything like this before! Mis respuestas no son buenas!! Donc, j'ai menti! J'ai renvoyer le stupide questionnaire a ella solo. Les réponeses là ne sont pas les même que j'aurais envoyer mes amis. Pensez-vous qu'elle saurait ceci? C'était très évidant qu'elle était la suelle personne de recevoir le couriel. Can you see through my little game? Is it obvious? I need to know!
Friday, February 03, 2006
My Eventful Life...
This morning I woke up and we parted ways for our early classes after breakfast. Classes were painful - as they always are on a friday morning! gag. I don't want to give much details on the following events b/c it has come to my attention that ANYONE could be reading this blog. In vague, I went to the gym and had this desert I have had my eye on for a while. Anyways, once that affair was over, Maggie and Heather called me and we met for some shopping. Woot! For some reason we were looking at dresses... and so we tried them on... lol, that always makes you feel like a princess.
The weekend has started well! - With a few minor issues that I'm ignoring until they blow up in my face. All I have to say is thanks to Maggie & Heather for doing what I could not do... you guys are awesome.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Groundhog Day!
And don't be too bummed about this news... it's ONLY 6 more weeks...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Dedication To Tacky:

This picture was probably one of the first or the first we took together. This was gr. 9, wasn't it? Such fond memories... (I think we look cute there! ... and really young!)