Saturday, February 03, 2007

Make A List!

This morning I woke up early (this is happening too often it seems), and went to the gym with Heather, Lindsay and Christelle. The last two were new to Heather’s and my new little routine. It was fun though. Then I went back home and Craig and I decided to go the library to get some work done. Ha ha, we weren’t there very long before he started starring at the people skating outside on the canal (we can see them from the library windows), and he suggested to go get some beavertails. Feeling weak willed as one gets while doing boring homework, I agreed. Of course, on the way over, we just HAD to stop in to the mall to see Maggie and do a little shopping. So finally we make it to the canal and decide the first beavertail store’s line up is too long… so we go to the next, which turns out to be much farther than predicted. We finally make it, but it turns out to be closed, so then we head back to the first one, because by that time we were hungry for some sort of lunch, and we end up waiting in the massive line up. arrg. No problem though, as we eventually get our yummy beavertails, which we went back to the mall to eat. lol. It was there that we decided that we never stick to our plans, and thus we need to create a list from which we must not deviate. While at the mall we go back to visit Maggie to show her out cool list… but then head back to the library (a different one this time – as we had written on our list) and get back the that homework. Eventually we get kicked out and have to go back to the original library. For dinner I had another first (#1 being on the canal), Craig and I went out for shawarma… which was okay, but not as good as I had heard. Now we are back in the original library again to get more work done. Perhaps tomorrow will be a more productive day. No worries, won’t be here much longer, soon it will be time for super fun dance party!


Anonymous said...

i am sooo upset that i missed super fun dance party...but i needed to see sean. next time i am sooo there

Anonymous said...

haha wow, dance party? what's this about a dance party?