Something funny that happened yesterday was there was an international fair at the school that my friend dragged me to in order to try some food from around the world. We had some Taiwanese bubble tea (now I know that I like bubble tea warm and cold!), but when we got to the chinese table, they asked me to try some green tea. My friend had some, but I said no thank you. They looked at me like I was chicken or something. As my friend stayed at the booth looking around for a while, the lady asked me why I would not like to try some. To her shock, I told her that I already had tried it. It shocked her even more when I told her that I liked green tea ice cream much more than the actual tea. ha ha... you should have seen her face!!! She like freaked on me cuz she probably assumed that I was an uncultured little white girl. She proceeded to give me directions on how to get some up here and wanted to know where I had gotten it from. lol.
Then last night, Maggie came over for a girls movie night and we watched 'curious george' (very cute!), and 'never been kissed'. Good times!! Thanx again for awesome groundhog day maggie, but next year Heather said we could watch the gd movie!!
hahaha.... tahts funny. however i do agree that green tea ice cream is pretty awesome. green tea itself i think is more of an acquired taste, especially if you're non-asian... :P
oh well, its all good! bubble tea rawks.
no gd movie...i hate itwith all my might....
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