It's been raining soooo much lately... i've felt guilty that I get to drive around and not get wet so I've been driving my bro to school and back a lot. I'm too kind! lol!
Today I have awesome shopping plans with Sharon. woot! Dinner included. I have no idea where she is taking me, but that's half the fun for sure.
oops. I forgot to add I've gotten all my marks back now. My school ranks you out of ten. If you get an A+ you get a 10, A=9, A-=8... and so on. So first semester I had an 8.8 which I was pretty okay with. This semester, thanx to two embarrasing B+'s, I only got an 8.2. Damn Nation! I blaim hanging out with my friends more... or taking french classes... either one works. I guess this leaves me with an 8.5. Shameful.
8.5 is still awesome! hehe have fun tonight!
hey, its pretty awesome marks there.
those are amazing marks...you should be very happy with them. BUt I know youa re not, so accpet them and do better in the fall!
Holy Crap! 8.5! you're upset with an 8.5?! Well you have always been hard on yourself, just remember that you will always be better than me in everything, especially math! remember elimentary school? LOL! Anyways congrats on the awesome marks. Ciao!
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