So back to which hamster to choose. There were four females- a black one, a grey one (kind of boring color except cool markings around her eyes), and two brown ones (one big and one smaller). The black one was overly active and a little creepy, the grey one was boring to look at, and thus it was down to the two brown ones... The first one ate a lot and was pretty active, and the second was more calm and pooed on Jenny when she held it... My gut said go with the first one cuz she seemed more healthy, but jenn chose the pooing one probably b/c it was so calm. I dunno exaclty why... but it was a good choice anyways.
I'm totally jealous of Jenny cuz I really want a hamster too, but she has a sister who can take care of it when she goes back to school, I on the other hand asked my bro, and he said "no way!" ggrrrrrr.....
Still don't have a job but I have applied at a bunch of places.
1 comment:
this reminds me of the show... Hammy Hamster... used to show it all the time on YTV...
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