Wednesday, May 31, 2006
I'm Blonde!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Blondie For The Summer!

Monday, May 29, 2006
Anyways, last night was cool. Heather called me from her work, told me she and Sammy were planning to go to second cup later... Turns out Sammy had text messaged me the day before inviting me out but I hadn't had my phone on cuz I was at home most of the time. Anyways, so I drove down to 2nd cup and met him, then Heather got there and the three of us road tripped down to Tacky's house. Picked her up, drove back to 2nd cup, had some drinks, went to the grocery store and the three of them bought Pringles (Alice and Sammy's were riddle ones for kids - lol - soooo cool! "What's bigger, the sun or the moon?!?!?!" lol.). Then we drove down to the park and walked around the bug infested circle thing... Later went to Michelle's house but she wasn't home. Then Robin found us and the five of us stood around the parking lot talking for like forever. Sadly I had to leave first and don't know how their evening ended.
In other news, I'm more than 1/2 of my way through the Da Vinci code. I didn't want to read it b/c I felt like I was doing it b/c everyone else was, but I'm now just reading b/c it was recommended by so many. And I'm still only three capters into Oliver Twist... lol, I do plan to finish it... honestly!
Guess I'm stuck here until the transportation is running again... if you're bored and want to head north i'll come... just not aloud to go south.... grrrrrr.....
Friday, May 26, 2006
Seeeee My Hair IS Long!! lol

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Whatever Randomly Comes To Mind:

K, I think I need a summer haircut soon. My hair is kinda getting gross and longish. I don't mind the length but the color is soooooo evil! I have bits of blonde in some places but the rest is just this annoying dirty color which I hate! I want to be a summer blonde! I just don't want to pay for it...
In other news, I want to dub this summer, the summer of classic novels. Sadly I haven't started reading one yet, but my plan is to read at least three by the end of the summer... I know I could read way more than that, but for some reason, classic novels don't really interest me. I'm doing this more for punishment than for pleasure b/c I hated being the stupid kid in my english class last semester that hadn't read any "good" books other than ones for school. Often in class we were tested on our knowledge of authors (note for grades, just the pleasure of our teacher) and I never knew the answers. I don't want to go through that again... next school year I vow to be more prepared.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Victoria Day Weekend
Happy Vicky day! lol.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Why is it still raining?

Still trying to find something awesome to do for may 2/4. Yah for dead queens! lol. ta ta for now!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Creepiest Day,
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunshine Face

It's been raining soooo much lately... i've felt guilty that I get to drive around and not get wet so I've been driving my bro to school and back a lot. I'm too kind! lol!
Today I have awesome shopping plans with Sharon. woot! Dinner included. I have no idea where she is taking me, but that's half the fun for sure.
oops. I forgot to add I've gotten all my marks back now. My school ranks you out of ten. If you get an A+ you get a 10, A=9, A-=8... and so on. So first semester I had an 8.8 which I was pretty okay with. This semester, thanx to two embarrasing B+'s, I only got an 8.2. Damn Nation! I blaim hanging out with my friends more... or taking french classes... either one works. I guess this leaves me with an 8.5. Shameful.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I miss blogspot!
Saturday night we went down to my grandmother's house (downtown! woot!!) for a chinese food dinner. That was pleasant... although Ry thought he was being super polite by, instead of saying that he was 'full' (as in he ate enough), he said:"I've had sufficient". He was proud that he had been proper and not sooo rude.... but nooooo.... My grandmother said that he could have been more polite by saying:"My sufficiency has been suffonsified and anything additional would be superfluous". Apparently that's the most polite thing you can say when you want to communicate that you couldn't eat anything more. Grandparents just have to be sooooooo proper....
So Sunday (today) was alright. My bro and I made dinner for our mom... and the cake was a big success! Dad iced it and I decorated it. Thus, since we had different assignments, it was pretty okay. Dinner was edible and my mom liked it. yah! Happy mother's day to everyone!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
i look like i'm going to kill you in this pic...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
No more gilmore girls until the fall...
Anyways, today went pretty well. I was kinda planning to go shopping with Heidi and maybe Heather, but that got pushed... then I wanted to go job hunting with Michelle and Sammy, but I gave up on that... thus, i called up miss celia and we went to the closest mall to hand out resumés... i'm pretty sure none of them will hire me, but at least i can say that i tried. meh. While there, we went to visit Tacky at her work and probably stayed there too long... since she was suppose to be working... but there was nobody in the store, so I don't think it was really a big problem. Why does the B.S. have to be so expensive?!? I did like that blue eyeshadow...
After that, celia decided to help me buy some rice for my mother (don't ask! lol). So we went to the chinese mall and stared at tons of different kinds of rice. I never knew about all those kinds! And they had such huge bags! I really wonder if it would take me a life time to eat just one bag. meh. So I got a little bit of rice just to try it. My mother was super thrilled! lol.
After rice shopping, Celia and I did regular shopping in the mall section... she helped me try the actually spicy fish balls - i actually coughed cuz it was just too spicy... (i have a very low tolerance). But I have to admit that they were really good. Sadly, last time I went there (with my bro) I wanted them but was afraid to order anything... cuz of the language barriers. Yah for Celia being there so I could try them again!! (Had them once with Alice before and she was sooo good to me b/c she made sure they were not too spicy! luv ya tacky!). Celia also got me a strawberry bubble tea.... yummy! Thankfully I have found other places where I can buy those... cuz they really are good. Ironically, while I was culturalizing myself, I saw chinese girls doing the same thing, only they were eating mcdonalds... a slightly more american food... (only slightly these days...). It seemed funny to be that she would be in a chinese mall and be wanting to eat american food while I really wanted to eat chinese food. oh well... maybe i should just stick to my american food and be cultured for a chinese person. lol.
A good day that didn't involve shopping...
Monday, May 08, 2006

Apart from needing a color job, i'm debating cutting it too... mmmm.... Thinking about my hair is random... although I do it a lot.
*hair hair hair.... *
Ice Cream and Gossip
What got me the most was that my parents wouldn't let me stay out that late b/c they didn't want to be up too late worrying, since they have work 2mora. Not Fair! I'm gone for 8 months at school, out sometimes much later (yummy trips to Zak's), and they don't say anything... but when i'm home i'm freedom-less. Not cool!
Maybe it's b/c I'm driving around in a car... car accidents do make parents worry too much. Point being, i'm not THAT bad of a driver, and I don't normally do stupid things - especially while driving. lol. It's just not fair that I have to compromise my freedom just so that they can go to bed worrying less. Don't they trust me?!? Can't I stay out at least till midnight??!?
I loved hanging out with Heather last night, but we could have had an even awesomer evening if my parents had just let me live like I do in Ottawa. ggrrrrrr....
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Hamster Day

So back to which hamster to choose. There were four females- a black one, a grey one (kind of boring color except cool markings around her eyes), and two brown ones (one big and one smaller). The black one was overly active and a little creepy, the grey one was boring to look at, and thus it was down to the two brown ones... The first one ate a lot and was pretty active, and the second was more calm and pooed on Jenny when she held it... My gut said go with the first one cuz she seemed more healthy, but jenn chose the pooing one probably b/c it was so calm. I dunno exaclty why... but it was a good choice anyways.
I'm totally jealous of Jenny cuz I really want a hamster too, but she has a sister who can take care of it when she goes back to school, I on the other hand asked my bro, and he said "no way!" ggrrrrrr.....
Still don't have a job but I have applied at a bunch of places.