Yah for being back at school!! I actually really do like it here. But I've got to study like crazy for exam monday. eewwwwww.... not fun. I kinda wish I had studied just a little while I was home, instead of cramming the day before. Meh.... we all know I'll pass anyways, so what's with all my whining?
Went to the library today... I've decided from now on never to sit beside a window in there again. The pigeons were soooo close to me!! They kept walking past me on the other side of the glass that they were bigger than the little people walking outside a few floors below. I think I've said it before... Pigeons SCARE ME!
Must go study - ttyl
welcome back
don't worry, another few days and you'll be back in S-ville. nyar. one more exam for me adn then its over!
hehe attack of the pigeons! lucky for u, there's a glass window there to protect you!
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