Freecell is my fav game right now. It requires intellect, foresight, and patience. I was never really good at it, but i'm working hard at it, and one day I plan on having a 99% score. woot! lol, since i got this laptop I have played exactly 380 games, and won 320 of those games (84%). Since I lost sooo many I could probably never get a 100% score, so 99% is what I'm shooting for. Right now I'm on a 40 game win streak. woot!!! (my best ever!)So on to aujourd'hui. Since I plan on hitting the books demain, I took the time to help a friend shop for the perfect bday gift for his friend. I'm honored that I got to be their little personal shopper in the byward market. Hope your friend likes it!! Es muy bonita!
we should face each other in bejeweled one day. =)
update: 85% and still on my winning streak - 48 wins in a row and still going!! WOOT!! yah for freecell
Bejeweled rocks too!! it happens to be the only cell phone game I have...
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