Don't ask about the title of this blog. My fav animals are elephants and i used to be really into ballet. The title emplies that whole evil prepy thing which kind of bothers me but... i don't have an end to that sentence. Preppy-ness sucks, but my title is awesome, so just leave me alone!!! P.S. I hate reading over my posts - excuse the mistakes~
So on to aujourd'hui. Since I plan on hitting the books demain, I took the time to help a friend shop for the perfect bday gift for his friend. I'm honored that I got to be their little personal shopper in the byward market. Hope your friend likes it!! Es muy bonita!
Nyways, bought 8 things from claire's (67 cents each - most amazing sale of my life!!! [sharon's just sooo lucky!!]) today and thought about some skirts but didn't. meh. Obviously some chopsticks for my hair was one of those eight. I also got an irish teddy bear and a lot of earings... I'm wearing some star ones now but you can't tell.
Lol. On the way from one shopping area to the mall we got a little lost. We took a turn we were sure of but it turned out to be wrong. Ended up far to west then planned. Sharon actually took out the map and tried to figure out how to get the mall and see where we were. We should have known to go east not west!! oops!
Nyways, yesterday I was going to post about my awesome easter monday with mi hermano. First we did our chorses - how fun. lol. We mostly just had to go around town picking stuff up. meh. But for lunch we left town (yah!! any attempts to get him to leave town most be good). We went to this chinese place that Ry adores. After eating there, we went to P-Mall (*total shockes by anyone who knows what that is*). Yah, I took him down to market village and P-mall... and he actually wanted to go. Although he did spent a lot of time making fun of some cultural differences... tsk tsk. Anyways, he has now joined my circle of lies to prevent my parents from knowing that we went there. meh. They don't know that I have ever been inside p-mall. lol. Nyways, it was a good day... hope shopping with Sharon goes well today too. TTYL