Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tales OF Shopping!

Yesterday I was consumed with the shopping desire. I went to mall #1 with the plan to get my hair cut, but that never really happened, and then I got bored and went to mall #2 and spent a large sum of money, while still not getting my stupid hair cut. I bought a bunch of things that I need, including paper for printing. But they only sold paper in bunches of 500+ and I didn't want that much, so I complained a little bit and in the end, this lady stole some paper from their photo-copier and gave it to me at a discounted rate! woot!!! I bought other random things, but the day was topped off by talking to Tacky live over msn. I really don't like excessive typing all that much, so it rocked that I could simply talk and didn't need to actually do any work. YAH!

Today, I woke up at a decent hour, and lay in bed reading a book I borrowed from a neighbour. She gave it to me a while ago and I felt bad that I had kept it for so long, thus I finished it this morning and gave it back to her. (sense of accomplishment! YaH!). After lunch - grilled cheese AGAIN - I met up with this girl to let her borrow some study notes, and then we and some other friends went bowling! To get to the bowling alley we went to this girl's house where we were all meeting but sadly on the walk to there, my pink shoes got soaking wet and my socks turned pink b/c they die had run. So I had to borrow some new socks while my friend blow-dryed my shoes. That's just kinda sad!

Nyways, I actually really sucked a bowling today. After many games, we went down to the mall for dinner. (yummy!). Somehow, even when not planned, I end up going to the mall. On the way home, we also had to cut through another mall, which brings both yesterday's and today's tally up to two malls per day. Shopping is superfun!

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