It's just pleasing to know that it's almost the weekend.
too lazy to write more tonight. all I can say is that I am alive.
Don't ask about the title of this blog. My fav animals are elephants and i used to be really into ballet. The title emplies that whole evil prepy thing which kind of bothers me but... i don't have an end to that sentence. Preppy-ness sucks, but my title is awesome, so just leave me alone!!! P.S. I hate reading over my posts - excuse the mistakes~
YAYYYY U survived the first few weeks of school =D hehe LYLAS! andddddd U sTILL haven't gotten that cut yet? lolz tsk tsk =P see ya later shopaholic =D
oh man.
lol u and your shopping.
little do you know, you are also benefiting from exercise with all them walking in your shoes!
haha alas you have been dupped!!
(F.Y.I. no idea what i'm saying)
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