Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Copying Fungus!

Thought of the day: you can't have it all, but if by some chance you find a way to have everything you want, someone else will screw it up on you. Your life doesn't depend on you, it depends on everyone else, and thus, you have no actual control.

Anyways, now on to this thing I am copying from Sammy

Ten- Firsts:
1.Best Friend(s) - Trish S. or Heather S.
2.Pet - My Fishy (Goldie)
3.Piercing - ears @ age 10
4.Crush - Tim
5.Car - Honda Civic 04

6.Kiss - *blush* either Adam or Russell
7.Movie - who remembers that?!?!?!

8.Alcoholic Beverage - Irish Coffee
9.Oversea Trip - France / Ireland
10.Meal You Learner To Make On Your Own: Mac & Cheese

Nine- Lasts:
1.Alcoholic Beverage - Red Wine
2.Car Ride - Last week in Sharon's car
3.Movie - Narnia
4.Phone Call - last night to my rents
5.Song Heard - Hey, Miss. Hilton
6.Bubble Bath - don't remember... years ago...
7.Time You Cried - last semester during a meeting I got teary eyed...
8.Good Time With Friends - New Years Eve
9.Book Read - Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister

Eight- Have You Ever...:
1.Been Arrested - nope
2.Been Skinny Dipping - nope
3.Kissed Someone + Regreted It - nope
4.Laughed So Hard Milk Came Out Your Nose - yup
5.Had An Operation - yup.. more than once
6.Wanted To Say Something But Didn't - all the time!
7.Smoked - nope
8.Had Sex - nope

Seven- Random Things:
1.I like Lollipops
2.My grandparents used to replace my dead fish so I never found out
3.Mayonnaise & french fries don't sound THAT nasty
4.I like the color Pink!
5.Happy New Year!!
6.Snoopy is cute
7.I am shy, get over it.

Six- Things I've Done Today:
1.Went to some new classes
2.Woke up
3.Bought Lunch
4.File-Shared music
5.Drank grape juice
6.Decided I hate one of my new teachers!!

Five- Fav Things (in no order):
2.Winning board games

Four- People You Can Tell Almost Anything To:
4.My dog

Three- Choices
1.Ice Cream - Strawberry! (nice choice Sammy!!)
2.To Shop or to do homework - mmmm.... that's a real dilemma!
3.Candy or Chocolate - smarties are good, but so is belgium chocolate...

Two- Things You Wanna Do B4 You Die
1.More Travelling
2.Find A Career that is actually suited for me!

One- Thing You Regret
1.Losing contact with anyone and everyone I ever lost contact with


bio-hazerd said...

strawberry rules. you know it.
we should plan a trip together.

Anonymous said...

LOL OHHHHH so maybe ur fish DID starve to death a couple of times! HAHAHHAA ok i'm done. BYE!

bio-hazerd said...

i dunno, i was thinking either australia or new zealand. =D