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Persecution Due to a Quiet Voice Should be Illegal
I'm feeling a little persecuted after my class on Wednesday. It's a very small class, which meant that since I am doing my presentation soon (HIGH STRESS!!) that a lot of that class was dedicated to my project. In fact, for the last 30 minutes of class that was the discussion. Fine. I'll tell you all you want to know about my project. But the minute the topic switched to my quiet school voice I started to get upset. My teacher went on and one and on about how I need to learn how to project my voice. Granted she had never seen me outside of class and doesn't know that I can be rather loud and annoying, she still shouldn't have spent so much time talking about voice projection techniques and acting as if I was incapable. It's not like I haven't heard any of that before, thus I was able to just sit there and let her ramble... but then she got this brilliant idea that the reason I must speak quietly must be because I have braces! GENIOUS! That just MUST be the reason! HA HA HA!! Then she starts on a rant about people's imperfections and that we must not be ashamed of things like having braces or any other nervous ticks. Oh dear... even though braces have NOTHING to do with my quiet voice, I was getting very upset at this point and was on the verge of tears. It's was like she was telling me that my braces were a huge imperfection that I aught to be ashamed of. WHAT!?!? Yea, and she litteraly didn't stop talking about that until my friend and I got up and walked out of class because we really did have to run to the next class that was across campus. I was pretty much feeling rather hurt... but the real icing on the cake was when I ran into this teacher again today and she said "I hope you don't feel that I was being to harsh on you yesterday"... and I said "ummm... well...." and then she went on about how she really didn't think that she had been mean at all (I mean persecuting a student in front of the whole class isn't a little mean?!!??). She also started talking about a friend of hers that talks funny when she gets tired.... saying that at least I don't talk funny like that person.... ummm, was that suppose to make me feel better?!?!?
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