Sunday, October 28, 2007

Time Switcheroo

Another wasted day. It's getting really cold here... so no adventures either. cold cold cold.
On another note... who was it that decided to move daylight savings back one week... and why did they do that? Actually, I don't want to know because there is probably a scientific answer to that question that I am really not in the mood to hear. Strangely enough, europe switch their clocks this week but america is being weird. I wonder if the deal is that America wanted to switch and thus Canada followed along because we wanted to be in sync for the week.... or perhaps that is not the case at all and I am simply being unfair towards americans. meh.


Anonymous said...

Scientists in the U.S. decided to delay switching back one hour. And since this was legislated in the U.S., it automatically affects Canada too.

You know what they say... When the United States sneezes, Canada catches pneumonia.

Yeah, its cold here in T.O. too... we got snow this morning.

Shannyn said...

we actually had snow today too... but very very little.