Sunday, April 01, 2007

I Think About My Hair Too Much

Haven't really had much fun lately... unless you think homework is a blast. lol. Right now instead of blogging I should be looking over the notes from my study group (we have a midterm next week, so we divided the chapters up for everyone to take notes on - I gave myself the most work to do because I like my notes the best, that is why I am adding to the notes they sent me now because they are not good enough - lol) Anyways, apart from that midterm, I only have one presentation, one essay and three exams until the end of my second year. woot!
I need a hair cut. Imagine what could get done if I stopped thinking about my hair soo much. Okay, I don't think about it that much, just when I am looking at the picture I add to the blog. But seriously, I have no idea what to do with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think your hair looks fine... :P