In another topic, I'm dying to get my hair cut again... dunno length... dunno if I want to get rid of layers, and dunno if I'm going to color it this time. But I think something might need to be done.
Don't ask about the title of this blog. My fav animals are elephants and i used to be really into ballet. The title emplies that whole evil prepy thing which kind of bothers me but... i don't have an end to that sentence. Preppy-ness sucks, but my title is awesome, so just leave me alone!!! P.S. I hate reading over my posts - excuse the mistakes~
Your hair cut is fine. lol. Maybe you could split your hair on the side instead of around the middle with a little trim..held with a clip or two. it'd be different and I think it'd be okay.
see ya!
oh and i took the snap back on sammy's blog, but what you said last is exactly what I was saying. haha. anyway. see ya!
lolz aww shannon, seeing me for 2 hours at a library wasn't worth ur trip home? =( *tears*
Even though I'm in such pain today from all my heavy luggage, of course the library visit with you was the best part about my trip home! Too bad it wasn't longer though...
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