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It's halloween... or has the french say: c'est l'halloween. ha ha. Today has already been pretty good, finished classes, went shopping with Heather at the mall and helped her get some pretty shoes and pants. ummm, no exact plans yet for tonight, but I'll be hanging out with Craig and Ber... maybe going to the haunted house, maybe trick-or-treating... who knows yet.Last night was a girls night out, Heather, Maggie and I went out for dinner...yummy, then came back to my room to chill for a while. Oh... and they saw pumpkin Jack! Yup yup... craig and I carved him finally. Although we noticed a huge spot that was rotting, so we took that out, which explains his giant mouth. We also carved the other side... it just looks wacky! lol. I love that pumpkin! Anyways, we also took the pumpkin seeds and roasted them with salt.... such a yummy snack! lol. Pumpkins are super cool.
So here is what you have missed since my last post. That play I went to see with Maggie... it was just plain weird. Thank goodness it was so short... although by the end I was almost starting to understand what it was about. lol... picture this: Three urns. One head on top of them simply sticking out. The middle urn was the male, the one to the right was the wife, and the one on the left was the mistress. The urns do not talk to each other... they only speak in french... random babbling... sometimes all at once, sometimes in monologue. Did I mention that their goal was to speak as fast as possible? Well, I could barely follow any of it, it was simply that fast. Maggie on the other hand, probably only understood a couple words. awww... anyways, that whole play was just weird.Then Friday, Craig and I went to do errands. We went all over downtown, ended up with some beavertails and groceries... excellent. Saturday was fun cuz Maggie and I died Heather's hair black and then I helped Maggie die hers black too. Then we all dressed up in our halloween costumes and went to the cabin with craig, chris, louis, jon and john. good times... probably a bit scandelous for my taste. meh.
Today has been a pretty good day. Got a midterm back in a french class... decent mark indeed. It seems like finally I'm getting the grades I would like. I just over reacted before. meh. Then in my other class I acted totally nerdy... answered a lot of the teacher's question... OUT LOUD! Yah... that's right! I actually VOLUNTEERED! Of course I was 100% sure of the answers and was probably the only one who had done the homework, meaning nobody else knew the answers... but besides all that... my point is that I actually talked in class today... oh ya, and here is the best part - it was in french! C'est vrai! lol. I like good days like this. And tonight I get to watch a play with Maggiemoo! Even if the play really really sucks, I think I'll have fun. Plus, the topping of the cake is that my kitchen is decently clean. Last night I heard some mystery person (probably Craig) doing a lot of dishes. All of our forks, spoons, and knives were back and the plates were all stacked! Although the plates had not been washed yet, I was so thrilled to see the cleanness that I personally did most of them! It was probably the first time in weeks that I could see the bottom of the sink and some of the counter! WOW!
This morning I was talking to Steph from high school. I literally hadn't heard from her since graduation probably. That's sad I know.. it's probably mostly my fault. But anyways, we were catching up, and she was rather shocked about what I have been up to lately... although not as shocked as I expected her to be. She said she predicted it, especially when I got my car and started to drive... she could see me transforming. I never really realized it, but it's kinda true... that was kind of a defining moment for me. Sometimes I wish I was still exactly like I was in grade 10+11. She's right though, I was different even in grade 12. Maybe not significantly, but still.... I was soooo less focused on school work. I wish I loved working hard again... grrr...

Thank you everyone!
Somehow the walk along rideau river, Craig's and my plan, turned into a shopping event. The river led us down towards downtown... and we wandered into Byward. lol. Went into a bunch of cute stores in the area, (French book store, rocky road chocolate factory, sugar mountain, and even giant tiger), then we had our first beavertails of the school year... yummy! It has been a pretty good morning.On our way back to school it snowed. Ever so slightly, but it was still magical. Of course it stopped right away too, but that's so not the point. - In two weeks I'll be sick of winter... lol.
My gawd, did I ever need that retail therapy! Thursday was just a terrible day. Friday however was like wonderland! It was UofO day on campus so all classes were
cancelled! Woot! In the afternoon I went shopping with Craig, he bought some stuff... then we met up with Maggie and Ber... Ber finally bought me a beautiful watch for my bday (THANX SO MUCH!)... Then Maggie and I went Halloween costume shopping at value village. So cool! They had the whole place decorated for Halloween and Maggie and I decorated cookies with little kids - super fun cuz we made purple spiders! lol. Sadly I don't think you can tell they are spiders from the picture... oh well! Then went back to Maggie's for a sleepover. First we watched some One Tree Hill... then she dragged out "Guess Who" and we played SEVEN rounds... I guess I have to admit that she did in fact win 4/7... but I won the first two! (I could have easily played 7 more rounds!) Anyways, this morning I walked home (damn it's far! + cold!). Now I must get some work done. ta ta!
Trust me, you don't want a picture of me right now. My eyes are all puffy and red... tear stains on my cheeks. I don't understand what happened. I studied like crazy for this midterm. Spent all day Sunday, a few hours Monday, had a very productive 5 hour study meeting on Tuesday, and studied last night after my classes, and even this morning before the midterm. I knew I was prepared. I was ready to meet that midterm and do well. How could I not with all that studying behind me? After all, it's sometimes more than I usually do.Well, let me tell you this. I got to the midterm, everything seemed fine. It was 5 questions. First two went okay, third was a struggle, fourth I think I did pretty well... but that fifth one... worth 40% of the test.... I sat there and had no idea what to write. I looked at those words as if I had ever seen them before in my life. This was for one of my classes in french (but french was not the subject of the class), and so I asked to teacher if she could explain them to me, since she knew french wasn't my first language. She wouldn't. So what could I do but make up some stupid answer. Which was wrong. But here is the kicker - I actually knew the answers. If I had only known what was being asked of me, I would have done pretty well. Oddly, I have taken tons of tests in french, and never had this problem before. It's not my lack of french knowledge that was even the problem!I have never cried over grades or a test before - that I can remember at least. I have been upset, and sworn often... but I don't cry over stupid things like grades. Well, today, as soon as I was forced to hand the test back in, my eyes started to well up. It didn't make sense that even though I knew everything, that I could not have gotten 40% of the test! Later when I looked it up in the book I found out if I had known what the question was asking, I would have been able to at least get some marks. It's so not fair. This means the max I could even hope for is a 50% on the test. BTW - I just want self pity right now. I don't want to hear any lame words of encouragement or hearing that the same thing happened to you. Nor do I want any stupid suggestions! That's why I don't want to have any comments on this particular blog (don't worry, normally i love comments, so they will be back up next blog). I don't need to know that you have read this and think I am pathetic.
So many midterms. So much work. No more time to relax and have fun. Have not even been able to dress up poor pumpkin Jack. Well, I don't really want to talk about the things I have to do, nor the things I want to do but can't b/c of all the work. The coolest thing I have to tell you now is that I just found out the french equivalent of the word "lol"... it's "mdr" (meurs de rire). so if you see me use the word mdr, I really mean laugh out loud.
Apart from the whole writing my essay thing today, it's been a pretty good day. Wait- no... i must be thinking of another day. Essay writing ruined my day! Well, almost ruined it... Going pumpkin shopping with Craig made it pretty good. We bought a pumpkin for like 2 dollars at a local grocery store and dragged it back to our apartment (up that crazy hill!). I named our pumpkin Jack and was talking to it the whole way back.. lots of people starred at poor Jack.... I felt sorry for him. lol. One day we shall give Jack a proper bath and then give him a face. Jack will look so cute! In other news, I'm pleased as hell that it hasn't snowed here yet, but pissed about the unseasonably cold weather. It's seriously cold! - Don't ask why I'm in a t-shirt... I was in my warm sweatshirt but wanted to get another pic of me in my blonde shirt. lol. Also I have taken up a new hobby. Sudoku. Trust me, I didn't want to add to my already nerdy reputation, but it's such a fun and addicting game. I'm terrible at it, it takes me forever to do the 'easy' level puzzles. Whatever.... I just need more practice.
Okay, I didn't mean for this picture to make me look so sad and hurt. That's not really what I am feeling right now. I was just trying to get a different angle or something. Anyways, I am actually suppose to be studying for my french midterm 2mora, but my teacher is such a space case that I don't really know what to study. A part from new vocabulary I have learned, I'm drawing a blank about what to study. Oh well. Good luck to me.P.S. the title is a new french word I learned which means: a persone who doesn't want to do anything.
While I am technically spending gobble-gobble day alone, I celebrated thanksgiving Sunday night with my brother, parents, and gparents. I did get pumpkin pie out of that deal, but it made me cut all plans of seeing fun people for the weekend. Annoyingly I spent more time this weekend seeing people I did not want to see than seeing people I wanted to see. Grrr. It made me feel that there was not point to coming home at all, because two days at home is really not that much. It was not productive at all, despite spending two hours at the library with Tacky. I suppose it was fun, but I don't know if it was worth the hassle of bringing everything home and back again. At least Christmas is going to be worth it.In another topic, I'm dying to get my hair cut again... dunno length... dunno if I want to get rid of layers, and dunno if I'm going to color it this time. But I think something might need to be done.
In case you didn't know. Pumpkin pie is my fav kind of pie. So that's my number one reason to be excited about this weekend. Okay, there are tons of other awesome things I can't wait for besides the pie. But there are tons of things I'm not too pleased about too. Pie is the only thing I could have that's good whether I was here or at home. That's enough about pie though. It's thanksgiving weekend I have have a lot to be thankful for. Things that come to mind are: my cell phone, my lap top, my car, my new furniture, my school fees, my clothes, my TV... ha ha, okay there is also good friends, family and health... and my puppy. It's rare for me to sit back and realize their importance. Thankfully thanksgiving is only once a year... thinking like this might make me compassionate.
Went to bed last night but simply could not sleep. Restlessly tried a billion different positions... comfort seem unattainable. An hour and a half later I lifted my head up to move again, but hit my night table. That's what you get for trying to sleep half hanging off your bed! Anyways, you can only imagine the pain of whacking your head into the corner of a table. I laid there holding my douloureux head for a while. Then turned on the pink TV, thinking that it was probably not the best plan to go to sleep in such pain. Eventually I made it back to sleep... only a little over two hours after I first closed my eyes. Pathetic. Normally it only takes me an hour or less to fall asleep. I guess I just have to much to think about.
So you may have noticed I haven't blogged in a while, a week to be exact. At first it was really hard, because I wanted to tell you all about my amusing days... about how I decorated my room with new posters (behind me... guess which movie!), and what I have been up to with my friends (whether it be shopping, going to zak's, or sleepovers). But after the first few days it really wasn't that bad. I probably could have made it another week before I caved, except I was starting to feel bad denying some people from seeing the lamentable details of my life. There is no point in recapitulating what you have missed, suffice it to say I have not become a hermit. Soon I will be home, samedi is the party which I dread. It'll be fun, I suppose, and dimanche I hope to see those whom I haven't seen in a while. Les jours passent trop vite maintenant.