I have discovered something while working about different races. Before I say the following, I don't intend to be racist and I realize there are always acceptions to the rules, but it just seems that a lot of people from the same race act the same. Okay, so I have noticed that asian people will rarely ask me a question if I am looking down or am really busy. When they do ask me, they are always super sweet and patient. If I don't know the answer, they don't want me to do more work to find the answer for them, they tell me that they will find out for themselves. The only problem with asians is that are the hardest to understand. (ex: 'strubury tee' = Strawberry bush, and 'roosebury' = raspberry). Middle eastern people are totally different, they are more agressive and get so mad at me if I don't know the answer. They expect a lot more from me and seem in such a hurry. Caucasians and african americans are in the middle... some caucasians can be really difficult but others are very pleasant. meh... these are just my thoughts... ta ta!
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