Friday, June 30, 2006
The Lazy-Brilliant Kind
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Is this where you thought you would be? It may have only been one year, and i'm pretty much happy with the past 360 something days... Call me in another year and we'll see if i'm still as pleased.
I had this really wacky idea a few days ago about how I wanted to spend tonight. I thought it would be super awesome if I reinacted what we had done a year ago tonight, with the same people of course. (aka bubble tea, games, and bowling). My thought was that every year on june 29th, we do that and thus we could be starting a little tradition. Cool plan... except that I have to work 2mora, and staying out that late isn't a good idea. Plus nobody else has gone for the plan and I can't even remember everyone I hung out with that night.
Happy one year anniversary of graduation!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The Luckiest Magic Frog
After the frog incident I was more than a bit jumpy. I made sure I could always see the path infront of me, and that it was clear of any frog like shapes. lol. There are lots of birds around but when I saw one after my frog incident it made me jump like crazy cuz i thought it was a jumping frog. ah!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Day Off!

I have discovered something while working about different races. Before I say the following, I don't intend to be racist and I realize there are always acceptions to the rules, but it just seems that a lot of people from the same race act the same. Okay, so I have noticed that asian people will rarely ask me a question if I am looking down or am really busy. When they do ask me, they are always super sweet and patient. If I don't know the answer, they don't want me to do more work to find the answer for them, they tell me that they will find out for themselves. The only problem with asians is that are the hardest to understand. (ex: 'strubury tee' = Strawberry bush, and 'roosebury' = raspberry). Middle eastern people are totally different, they are more agressive and get so mad at me if I don't know the answer. They expect a lot more from me and seem in such a hurry. Caucasians and african americans are in the middle... some caucasians can be really difficult but others are very pleasant. meh... these are just my thoughts... ta ta!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
happy birthday to you...
Enjoy the benefits of being legal - i know you will!
Friday, June 23, 2006
My Thumb isn't Green!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
I like to SLEEP

Anyways, today is a day off from work. It feels great being able to sleep in all the way to nine o'clock! (techincally that's four hours more than usual, thus it seems crazy!) wow... my like is pathetic! But i'm not going to think about that. Today is about laughing in my bro's face b/c he has an exam (it's exam week for h.s.ers)... nawwww... not really. It's about doing absolutely nothing! I'm not even shopping today! (*gaps*) - scandelous, I know. But maybe i'll go work on that tan! ta ta!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Recent Philosophizing

Lately I have had many thoughts about the world I would like to share with you. First of all, when you make a mistake (me and paws' accident) there is a lot of trouble involved in making up for it, but it is worth it and needs to be done in order to move on.
Secondly, I have learned from working so far that shopping is not for everyone. I was meant to shop in life, and I love it so much, but some people out there (mostly guys) were not meant to be shoppers. This is fine b/c not everyone can be a shopper and live like myself. I'm just saying that those who are not shoppers, should not harass the innocent workers of a store for something they have little control over. If you are not meant to shop... DO IT ONLINE!
Thirdly, shopping is so much more than spending money and looking at clothes/accessories(...). When I shop, I learn so much from my friends. We share secrets we have learned, we tell each other about our lives, and we philosophize. We come to terms with how the world works by hearing the stories of others and relating them to our own. Thus shopping really is so much more than I make it seem, it's a revelational experience (at least for myself). Today I went shopping with Sharon at super awesome far mall (VM). Only bought a tank top and lunch, but she helped me come to terms with some stuff and I hope I helped her in a small way too.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
How Early Did You Wake Up?
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
*insert your fav. swear word here!*
Monday, June 05, 2006
Going Through Old Films...

Lately my bro and I have been looking through all these old movies that my parents made from 1992-1996 with our old camera. They feature footage of us at school concerts, major holidays and birthdays, or just on vacation. The picture on the side is of me (with my bro in the back) in 1994 on Christmas eve as we were headed down the stairs to leave out milk & cookies for Santa and a carrot for his reindeer. When I found this particular part of the film, I stopped it and realised how little I really changed. My hair is like in the exact same style, although it was much more naturally blonde back then. lol. To me at least I look the same, just older now. Ry on the other hand looks completely different! Whatever though! I thought you just might like to see an older pic of me instead of what I look like at this second.
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Today I had a job interview with a garden center. It went pretty well I guess. Although he had a thick chinese accent and I didn't catch certain words. Some of the questions were hard but I survived. I think I have a fair chance at getting the job.