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I am SO not good with names!
Okay, so know that I "know" someone in all of my classes, the next step is to remember their names... I know the name of one girl... but as for the others, first of all, Please do not expect people to remember your name.... secondly, be very clear when you first tell another person your name, and thirdly, if your name is written somewhere do not expect other people to know your name because you have have one of those names that people are not sure how to pronounce. Thus I think my point is very clear.... I don't know your name, but how the hell do you know mine? Seriously people! I mean, my name is pretty easy I guess, so if you saw it you would know how to say it... it's not that uncommon! So ya, I understand that you might know my name if you saw it and then would not be afraid to call me in the halls but for all the other people out there who I told you my name once, how can you remember it? It's your first year at uni, how many
people have you met so far, probably I lot, in that case, how do you remember MY name if I only told you once?!? Feh, let me tell you how my weekend went... no wait, let me show you... lol. So I mostly went out to discover more about my surroundings in this great town... and the first important thing I came accross was the american embassy... it looks so bold and strong... here is a pic of it. It's all guarded up, which got me to think that they must really think we are a powerful nation that might attack them or something.. lol... that would be funny.. little Canada... jokes... Anyways, another building I saw was art museum... it's basically got a lot of glass walls all around it and there is a really large (and personally very ugly) spider that sits ou
t there as if it is going to attack you. Maybe the people at the american embassy but up all the gates to protect them from the giant spider... lol. I didn't go in the musuem this time, but I have been in there with my class a few years ago went we took a trip all the way up here. Anyways, I found some other museums I thought about checking out... they included the war museum, the photography musuem (I wish Sammy was up here so I could go with him and make all the tourist think that we are professionals if they were to listen to his talk about lenses and if I do that agreeing thing with the humming noice... lol.) I also saw the museum of civilisation and the dinosaur museum... lol... there are a lot of museums around here! Finall
y I came across one of the sources of my misery... this church (last pic) is sooo evil! Well, not the church it self, let me explain... I call this pic "Bell Church" not because I am a frenchie and think that it is a pretty church, but because the bells from this church can be heard everywhere all the time... I happened to be right beside the church as it was near 12:00pm and guess what I heard... the loudest symphany one could ever hear.... MY GOSH it was sooo loud... so I curse the evil bells and wonder how do the people how live around there not go deaf! So anyways, that was my weekend... I also spent a lot of time studing... because of the stupid weather... however, I am ahead once again in some of my classes... woot for me! TTYL Shannon
Hey....just came to say that I just looove the name og your blog!
Hey !! AWESOME!! someone's having fun!! haha.. shoot.. for me.. so much reading i need to do.. ahhhh gonna die.. and the year has just started. hehe anyways ttyl blondie!
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