Friday, September 30, 2005

Soon I Will Be Home

I'm comin' home! Sweet! Only one week to go! I am pretty excited! lol... My parents miss me, but the first thing I am going to do when I get there, is take my car and get out of there. I don't think you realize how serious I am about this. I have obviously developed a lot of independence this year... I don't feel that I always need somebody anymore. Before I didn't like to be alone unless I was in my own house... now, I don't really care if I am alone or not. Infact, today I went all around town! I went to the mall, and there wasn't anything interesting there, because it is pretty expesive... so then I went to another part of town and I found this store that had CRAZY sales... lol... I just HAD to buy two new shirts! *I am wearing one of them in the second picture* So then when I was walking back to my room, I ran into two girls from my floor, they are awesome... anyways, I told them about the sale I found, and then I went back to the store with them again to show them just how cool is was, and they each bought like 5 things.... lol. It seems to me that I am the one with self control. Oh well, I still never got what I was looking for, so I guess I need to take some public transit and head off to another mall 2mora! That sounds exciting for me now - not so scary. Anyways, I have a lot of work to do too, so I can't always be out shopping, cuz trust me, the thought is interesting... I feel like I should work harder in some courses and less hard in others - I have balance problems... cuz I know I am so ahead in 2 of my classes but in the others, I am only with the class. I need to work harder! I need to concentrate more! I need to get my neighbours to stop playing lous music so that I can work and concentrate more. That's impossible.. so I guess that extra work will just not get done. what a shame. lol. I plan to do lots of work next week, so I don't have to bring stuff home with me. Well, now I am simply getting boring... so my plan, shop and work more... which is basically all I am doing right now... so I don't know how I am going to fit 'more' into my schedule... i'll figure it out.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

School Of Rock

You should be pleased by this news... last night after my last class, this girl from my floor (who was also in my class + who was sitting beside me) and I walked back to our floor and she invited me over to watch a movie (School of rock). Later on, her neighbour came over too and the three of us watched the laptop screen. No homework got done... but I learned some cool things and was inspired to do some more decorating in my room. I swear I didn't know that the backboard infront of me was also a chalk board! How was I suppose to know that??!?!?! lol... printed out the pic of my bday cake and sharon's birthday present and now they are displayed on my board... it looks so colorful now. lol. (pic posted is what I just tried to explain to you.) It looks pretty eh? Well that's what I get to look at during my long homework/study periods... lucky me! lol. You can also see a bunch of small colorful circles... I made those by coloring paper and the punching out the holes with my There is more to the blackboard so there is more prettyness you might just have to come over and see. You know what would be really nice... *hint hint* if someone came down to pick me up during the xmas break!!! *nudge nudge, wink wink* then I wouldn't have to take the train alone! Isn't not really THAT far, and I can help you get here! lol. tis okay. It would probably cost you more gas then my tickets do! Stupid gas prices rising everyday! So glad I don't drive anymore. I would have to take up another job just to support it. lol. SMARTIES RULE! bies (<-- smarties, as in the food, not the smart people, cuz they should never rule... jokes!) TTYL

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dear BMD, wherever you are....

During a quick chat with miss tacky, I admitted to her something that I had never really noticed about myself... these things always come out during girl talks (!!) Anyways, I told her I have been dreaming about him for a while now. It is sooo true... I have been thinking about him a lot lately... wondering where he is, and when (if ever), I will see him again... i know it's just the typical badboy crush that every girl goes through, but no matter how many years go by, even if I forget him name... the moment I see him, I WILL remember all. I miss the way he talked... I miss listening to him... even when he didn't know I was (which was most of the time... lol.) That sounds so lame now that I actually write it out... and be thankful I realize that myself... but he always made my day. I have see him in the highs and lows of his life... and neither bothered me... (in this case 'high' takes on two meanings, incase you didn't notice). No matter what he did wrong, I always defended him... (verbally or just in my head) and I tried to get people to see the side I saw of him (can be difficult, I know). I smell your smell every where I go... you nasty smoker! but I turn the corner, and you aren't there.... I don't even know where you are! We were NEVER close, but I still knew where you are most of the time... I knew so much that you never knew I knew (not in the creepy stalker way, just things you pick up). I hope you see you at one of our school reunions, please don't think you are too cool to come. I just want to hear you speak... you are so funny, did you know that? Your confidence amused me too... I wonder what you look like right now... do you still have that goofy hair style I claim is your own, and will never look at another guy with that style, without thinking about you.... although it was just too cool that I have never seen any other guy try it out... lol. You were special... and you knew it, but you never really used it. My gosh you were smart! and talented! People don't expect that when they look at you... they just see a wasted life... but I see what maybe you don't even see yourself. Anyways, I really should stop thinking about you... cuz you never even looked my way... infact i would be soooo shoked if you knew said something to me next time I see you. Cuz you did know me... you knew me pretty damn well actually. I still think about that one MAJOR conversation we had when I told you straight out that I liked you... I must say that you took it well. I didn't know what would happen afterwards... I guess you think I stopped liking you... well, here is some news... I ALWAYS LIKED YOU! and you will NEVER like me! That's fate buddy!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

My Aventure Before Lunch

I woke up this morning, without absolutely no desire to do any work. lol. I also had run out of breakfast worthy food to eat... so I made spegetti again... it was much better than the last time. Then I got up the courage to take the bus... I only had to wait like 5 minutes for it to come... and I got on with like no prob... I had to ask where to put my ticket, but other than that it was okay, I took a transfer even though I didn't really need it... but it was okay... Anyways, I got off at the train station and got my student card. The guy laughed at the picture I had for it... he was like "did you take this through the mirror with your phone?" and I was like, "yah... I don't have a real camera, what was I suppose to do?" and he laughed.... lol. nice guy. so I got that, and now i can relax cuz I know that I could get back there if I had to. The trip home was much worse, although I had expected it to be better. I was waiting at the station and the bus just drove right past me... then I had to wait like 7 mins for the next one! So i got on and didn't take a transfer, which appearantly is a sin cuz he called me back to the front and told me I had to take one... I don't see the point of waisting the paper if I didn't need one! Grrr.... so nyways, that was my morning. When I got back I started to look around blogger.... see who knows who... (some surprises there) and found a couple of girls I used to go to elementary school with. Freaky eh? So reading some of their blogs I remembered what it was like to be in their possition. They thought that grade 12 was so hard... lol... that simply just made me laugh. Although it did make me wish I was only 16 again. I feel old now. I wanna stop time and stay where I am right now for ever.... 18 is good... not that old but old enough to do all the cool things you want to do... if not locally, somewhere in the world! Anyways, I have some reading to catch up on... to do or not to do? We shall see... bies!
Public Transit going 70km/hour is scary... and very hard to stand up in!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Real University Life

I just had this total freak out a few mins ago... with nobody to call. It sucked so much, cuz I wanted to talk to somebody, to calm myself down, but Tacky was not to be reached... I don't blaim anyone in these cases... except for the freaky people in this town that freak me out.... you know you feel low when a hobo comments on your lovely blue eyes... and when only person has called you so far, other than rents and people who work in the adminsitration, is a guy who wants to practise his grammar and dialed a random number hoping for a nice person who is equally a little insane to answer. That has been my life so far... Well, you will tell me to get out of this room and go meet new people... my reply to that is that I am a shy person... but let me add one more thing, today I met a new person, I did that thing where you walk into a class and sit beside somebody who has nobody else beside them... cuz maybe you guys can become friends... well so I did that today but as my luck would have it, I meet this girl who wouldn't stop talking the whole friggin' class to me so I missed what the prof was saying, and seeing as how it's the only class I am the most screwed in, I actually wanted to listen today.... but I felt rude if I were to tell her to shut up. In conclusion, if somebody in a class is sitting by themselves, there must be a reason - either they drove everyone else away from them (today's case) or they are really pathetic looser's (my case) and simply are not meant to be talked to because their lives are just that boring. Thus, don't talk to them! That of course is a lesson you will have to learn in university.

SOOO much reading to do! I know they warn you about it before university, but seriously, it's a friggin' lot!

Monday, September 19, 2005

I am SO not good with names!

Okay, so know that I "know" someone in all of my classes, the next step is to remember their names... I know the name of one girl... but as for the others, first of all, Please do not expect people to remember your name.... secondly, be very clear when you first tell another person your name, and thirdly, if your name is written somewhere do not expect other people to know your name because you have have one of those names that people are not sure how to pronounce. Thus I think my point is very clear.... I don't know your name, but how the hell do you know mine? Seriously people! I mean, my name is pretty easy I guess, so if you saw it you would know how to say it... it's not that uncommon! So ya, I understand that you might know my name if you saw it and then would not be afraid to call me in the halls but for all the other people out there who I told you my name once, how can you remember it? It's your first year at uni, how many people have you met so far, probably I lot, in that case, how do you remember MY name if I only told you once?!?

Feh, let me tell you how my weekend went... no wait, let me show you... lol. So I mostly went out to discover more about my surroundings in this great town... and the first important thing I came accross was the american embassy... it looks so bold and strong... here is a pic of it. It's all guarded up, which got me to think that they must really think we are a powerful nation that might attack them or something.. lol... that would be funny.. little Canada... jokes... Anyways, another building I saw was art museum... it's basically got a lot of glass walls all around it and there is a really large (and personally very ugly) spider that sits out there as if it is going to attack you. Maybe the people at the american embassy but up all the gates to protect them from the giant spider... lol. I didn't go in the musuem this time, but I have been in there with my class a few years ago went we took a trip all the way up here. Anyways, I found some other museums I thought about checking out... they included the war museum, the photography musuem (I wish Sammy was up here so I could go with him and make all the tourist think that we are professionals if they were to listen to his talk about lenses and if I do that agreeing thing with the humming noice... lol.) I also saw the museum of civilisation and the dinosaur museum... lol... there are a lot of museums around here! Finally I came across one of the sources of my misery... this church (last pic) is sooo evil! Well, not the church it self, let me explain... I call this pic "Bell Church" not because I am a frenchie and think that it is a pretty church, but because the bells from this church can be heard everywhere all the time... I happened to be right beside the church as it was near 12:00pm and guess what I heard... the loudest symphany one could ever hear.... MY GOSH it was sooo loud... so I curse the evil bells and wonder how do the people how live around there not go deaf!

So anyways, that was my weekend... I also spent a lot of time studing... because of the stupid weather... however, I am ahead once again in some of my classes... woot for me! TTYL Shannon

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Rainy Days

The weather really sucks here... it's not quite raining, at least you can't say right now that it is actually raining, because it's more like a misty feeling. Some people are still doing the umbrella thing, but most people are just simply staying inside. Anyways, that I what I have been up to all day... stupid weather means I get to stay in my room... and what is there to do in my room? lots of lovely homework... lol!!! Indeed, I have spent most of my day doing work or playing on my computer.
On the left there is a picture of me sporting my lovely pink jacket, which is suppose to represent the weather outside... you can tell that I am quite bored, eh? I think you will notice if you compare this pic with the others that I took from the same location that I still haven't moved that ugly box of TIDE... although it had been opened... (I did laundry yesterday ALL by my self... it was actually very impressive!) Nyhoo, I also took a pic of my eye... because it is simply just that beautiful... jokes. I am just that bored I guess. So en somme, this is how my eye looks taken from a poor quality camera phone through a mirror. I am not even wearing any makeup. Just thought you would like to know that. Oh well, back to my books... TTYL

Friday, September 16, 2005

♥ Simple Plan : Untitled

Indeed, that is a good song! The music video is super sad but it makes a lot of sense... the first time that I saw it I thought I got the point of it, but I wasn't too sure... so ya, the people are flying in the end because they are pushed back by all the pain - at least that is what I got out of it. Also, the main girl in that video has both a brother and a sister... at first I didn't really think that she had a sister... that was confusing for me. Anyways, i have noticed that when blogging people really like a song, they post the lyrics for it... well I am not like that, so you have to go find it for yourself. (It's on Yahoo! if you want a hint... but you can also find it be using Windows Media Player and searching via the guide.)

Today has a pretty good day. I met up with this girl for my one and only class and we sat together... it's wasn't terrible! Well, first of all the obviousness that I wasn't really alone made it better and that there was someone who could help me when I got confuzzled, but on the other hand, it was also mi clase de español. Lol, hoy aprendimos que soy una estudiante y que ella es la profesora! We also learned how to greet people and say goodbye... for example, good afternoon = buenas tardes! and good night = buenas noches! however, you can say good night as a goodbye too... whereas buenas tardes y buenos días can only be said in greetings... that is weird. However, I did already know that, so I was pretty bored the whole time... although I am trying to give the impression that I don't know a lot of spanish. There are some good benefits to that. First of all, it will not make you seem like a know-it-all. Secondly, you can get answers wrong and nobody will care, thirdly, you can fit in really well with all the people who do not know any spanish it all. To conclude this paragram... I would like to end with another one of the goodbies that we learned - HASTA LUEGO!

I told myself back in the tenth grade that once I passed science that term, I would never have to ever learn it again - ever! Well, it turns out you have to learn it in psychology... and when the prof says that you don't need to know any science to understand the DNA related part of the course, she assumes that most people actually know something about science... I however, barely passed three years ago, and now I am still learning about nucleus'... WTF?!?! I was soo confused, and I don't really know that many people right now, so I was like, you can I ask a question without making myself look a total nerd or dumbass... so of course, I turned to miss tacky!! I phoned her up (screw the long distance bill!) and got her to explain it all to me... lol.. of course she did seem to know a lot! Anyways, this got me thinking, maybe I should try some sort of science for dummies type course, cuz apparently I still should now some more about science, but then I realized I was going crazy and that that would NEVER happen!! lol...

Anyways, that's all for me today... TTYL - and don't worry, I won't go into science - ever! that would just be too funny!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm a fan! *Really? Stares of disbelief*

Person: Hi, my name is ________.
Me: Hey, I'm Shannyn!
Person: It's crazy weather right now huh?.....
Me: like totally!....blah blah blah....
Person: blah blah blah... So what kind of music do you like?
Me: Oh, i like the current pop stuff... a little Sum, U2, Nickelback, coldplay... like that.... but I LOVE GREEN DAY!
Person: Really? *stops and stares in disbelief*

That actually happens to shock a lot of people... I mean, I guess I dress too preppy to be a fan in some peoples' eyes... but seriously.... Billie Joe Armstrong (leader signer) uses such powerful (+ catchy) language, and the band is never afraid to say what they want... I love that! I can totally loose myself when listening to that band... in fact I am listening to the lastest CD right now... lol. I'm simply sitting here and rockin away.... awesome! Sure they have some songs that I am not always down with... (like the anti religious ones) but for the most part there words speak to me.

Anyways, I had a pretty interesting dinner tonight... you will probably not have guessed it... SUSHI! yes... I saw it there... and I thought, maybe I should give it another try... who knows... it could be really awesome. My thoughts are these: vegetarian sushi by itself is okay... that weird green stuff is evil and the pinkish stuff might tast fine at first but it gets really nasty later on. lol. In conclusion, I don't think I will get it again for a really long time... it's one of those things that I'm happy with only twice a year!

In another completly different direction, I have most past the stage of loneliness and have meet some cool people. My classes don't suck so much now cuz I can complain to others about them... (this really happens to be a talent of mine! lol). Anyways.... to the guy who wrote on my door that I should give him a call... LEAVE YOUR F'IN NUMBER THEN!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Some Advice

My first piece of advice is that no matter how well in shape you are, it's not cool to try to climb more than ten floors of staires in one attempt. My second is that if you ask someone for directions, always go through it once more with them before you try to find your destination. Always say "bless you" after somebody sneezes cuz it makes you seem like a nice person... lol. That is all I have to say right now about advice I am sure something else will come to me. Anyways, I don't know if you already noticed, but I got a new section added to the right hand side bar of this page.... it's simply a few links of things to check out if you are really bored... the first is a person fav. of mine that I discovered a long time ago... you basically get to build little creations using lines and see what happens to them when you play with the gravity. Some very weird stuff has come out of that web site... check it out... you can either see what other people have made or do your own. There are other sites on in my new section, but I bet you have been to some of them already. I know lots of people have sections like these already, and I tried not to copy them... but seriously Google is like one of the best search engines alive... I can't help it if everyone else likes it too! Oh ya... one more piece of advice b4 I go... trying to stay healthy in a dorm is impossible... if one person gets sick, the chances of you also getting the virus are really high!!!! *cough* ttyl

Monday, September 12, 2005

I had the guts... but the others failed me.

I already told most of you about the evil library experiences I have already had... so let's say that I was a little nervous when I knew that I needed to go back there this morning. None the less, I did it... I went right back up to that counter and faced my fears... luckily that guy was really nice so I was okay... he told me what to do to find the book I needed and where to go and pick it up. Then when it came to taking out the book that I needed, the guy at the checkout counter could not find the book.... I swear that library hates me... so I need to go back AGAIN! Trust me, I am so not thrilled. I suppose however that it was helpful in the end because I will need to eventually know my way around it. Of course I had planned to work in there this morning before my first class.... so know it seems that I have the rest of the morning open for amusement... lol.. whatever shall I do? Well I think that one is pretty obvious... what starts with the letter 's' and ends with a 'g'? Well only my favourite sport.... you guessed it: SHOPPING!!! lol. I have resently found an even faster way to get to the mall (exciting, isn't it?) So now I think I can make it there in less than 10 minutes.... 7ish mins if I ran fast... lol. That's actually quite sad. oh well.... ttyl... who knows... i might even buy something this time!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

This weekend sucked!!

So I basically did nothing this weekend... who knew that the library staff doesn't work on weekends? Seriously.. I thought I would at least have done that! Oh well, today I read some scripts for television shows that I had already seen... isn't that sad... well, I read some good ones at least. That was basically the big event for the day... BTW- do you think my hair is getting any lighter? I am using this shampoo for blondes but I don't really think that it is working... my hair looks the same to me. That is actually a really stupid pose now that I think about it. lol. I GOT NOTHING DONE!! I'm not really okay with that, cuz I don't like not being productive... it actually bothers me if I don't get something done... ttyl

Oh ya, I forgot to add - "Happy" 4th anniversary world! Look how far you have come. That was really sad, but now we are just plain sad.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Blondie Goes To School

Lights will guide me home...

On weekends it is really empty here! I woke up late and looked outside - nobody... in the halls - nobody... well, i did eventually see people... but the point was that no one really hangs around here. Today I went shopping for food... I always buy my breakfast at the grocery stores so I can wake up later and eat it in my room or on the way to class and not have to wait in line early in the morning. Anyways, I also bought some fruit and jus. It's not bad lugging what I bought (practically nothing) back to my room, but I now have started to appreciate those who have to walk everywhere... I AM ONE OF YOU! Lol. Now I have apples and oranges in my chambre. I also washed all my dishes today
(just cuz I wanted to do that before I actually started to use them!) that was interesting... I forgot to bring something to dry them... so I waisted a lot of paper towel... giggle. I am still putting off going to the library... they were mean yesterday... so I think I might just go tomorrow and finish all my other work today. Sounds like a plan! That's not really healthy - you know - to avoid things... but still... I hate the library people here... can't you tell I'm a freshman?!?!?!?! I know my questions sound stupid, but you need to explain it properly to me... i'm just a little slow~

So my new favourite thing to eat here is a chicken cesar salade on a white pita wrap.... yummy... I have had three already... and I must suggest you try one... they are a little expensive but I think it is worth it. Right now I am on the meal plan here so I don't mind waisting my money like that. I warn you that they are a little messy but no worries.

Another thing that I really miss is my brother. We used to be kinda close... now I have to plan a conversation just to talk to him... I miss getting him to do things for me, I have to do them all myself now. Yesterday I could not open my coke (bottle) and I wanted to brake down in tears cuz no matter what I tried, it would not open! It was one of those moments I would yell for my brother and we would come and save the day for me... but he wasn't there... and I was all alone. What was I do to? I just kept trying -and by gosh! That Worked! It finally opened. Truste me, I still didn't learn that I can do anything i set my mind to, I just realized that all bottles can be opened... I still depend on others to do all my dirty work... lol.

I also tried to figure out how I would get home if I wanted to spend the long weekend at home... well, there was no light to guide me... I could not figure out really how to get from the bus station to the train station... but I can get from here to the bus station, and from the train station home... I just could not find the thing the connects to two... I miss my car! I would indeed drive all the way back home - whatchu talking about? I know that is far... but what's your point?
Just let me complain a little longer.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Girl With A Broken Smile

That's me, in my lovely little rooom... with my beautiful camera phone... you can also see my laptop, and some of my shelves and my board... lol. Those flowers I got for my bday from my grandmother and aunt. I don't think I look really happy, but not worries, I am doing alright. My class today was a snooze fest though.... I wanted to walk right out, and I don't really know why I didn't... I already knew 99% of what the teacher was saying. Although I have to admit I did learn ONE new word. Apart from it, I knew everything, and I was very very bored. So I'm thinking that that class is the one to skip... lol. Anyways, je sais que c'est un peu trops (tout cette experience) pour moi mais il faut que je la fasse... il n'existe pas d'autre moyens. Je ne comprends pas toujours tous, et je cherche toujours quelque qui pourrait me guider... mais il se cache. Anyways, ttyl people... I have a whole weekend ahead of me... lol... i shoud procrastinate my work a little more so I will have something to do then..

First Classes

Already I have decided which classes will suck and which ones might be okay. I have already had 3 of my 5 for this term and the first one is okay, the second is funny with a possibility of fun, and the third really really sucked! Today I have my fourth and it will be interesting to see how it goes. I can't wait for my next 'second class' class... lol... I don't even get much reading from it!! :) Anyways, right now I think I smell like caramel. Yummy Yummy huh? I just had a shower so my hair is suppose to smell that way - don't worry! Sadly it rained yesterday and some of my stuff got pretty wet cuz I didn't know it was going to start raining and after I came bak from a class, it had already begun... so I had to do some 'run-ish' like actions... I felt bad for this one guy who dropped some paper in a puddle... but he knew it was hopeless cuz the rain was serious, so he just had to let it go... Anyways, I might check out the library here today, I don't really know the deal with it yet so I might be a good idea. ttyl

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This morning's tour of parliment...

Hello, after sleeping in a lot this morning, I went shopping (well spent bday!) and bought myself a bowl cuz I still needed one... lol. I was going to buy myself some clothes, but in the end I didn't see anything that perked my interest... Anyways, from there I did the tourist thing and walked around parliment hill... here are some pics..


Okay, this is my second attempt at this post, because of my evil internet, I lost m first attempt, and I must say that it was truly a brilliant masterpiece... lol. Anyways, I went to IKEA last night ( a few hours ago) and bought some new stuff for my residence as past of our frosh week.... I even socialized and met 4 new people! lol, I don't feel like going into detail AGAIN so let me just say that my last few hours of being a teenager were spent shopping and now that I'm 18 and an adult, I simply have even more time for shopping! lol... happy real birthday to me....
Good Night Everyone... I am finally 18!!! I can vote!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Meet Teddy...

Sadly, Teddy is the only person I have met so far... Above is a picture I took of him... lol. Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that tomorrow is my birthday and if I don't meet somebody tonight, I'll be all alone. Last night I had a plan to go to the information session that was held this morning... but it turns out that I actually went to the wrong one and everyone there spoke French! What a disaster... my plan didn't work because I had to concentrate even harder to understand what they were saying, incase anything was actually important... lol. I found out somethings I didn't know, but in the end, it was a wasted time because there were not that many people there... cuz most people went to the english one! I Should Have Been THERE!!! Feh, I'll just go back tomorrow and then listen to the whole thing over again... grrrr.... I'll seem really smart though!

P.S. Happy Early Birthday To MOI!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Sooo Lonely...

Okay, I moved in this morning... lol, did that ever take time... sooo many trips to and from car, even though we had a cart and were pretty organized about the whole deal. Feh! I just need to meet some people. I don't think being stuck in my room right now is the best plan to socialize, but I don't care! lol, I don't seem to be doing much correctly right now. It turns out however, that there is mall not too far from here but it's closed now, otherwise it would have been a plan of mine to visit it... lol.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

So much to say....

I am leaving tomorrow. That is just plain sad; however last night was much fun. To understand everything you should read the rest of this as well as tacky's blog because two points of view is always better. lol. Anyways, so here I go...

Somehow, I don't really know how, but six of my closest friends found there way to my house and surprised me. Lol, I knew they were comming, but tacky and janet told me they had missed the bus and that I needed to go and pick them up but in reality they were right behind my house. Nice trick! Anyways, we went out to rent a movie... complicated process cuz sharon wanted horror, while jenny said she would never be able to sleep againg if that's what we decided on.... in the end we rented an action (Electra), and then we headed off to go by cake making supplies... lol. Lai had no confidence in our abilities and suggested we go for a mix... yummy chocolate cake. We even bought the easy to make cake icing... lol. Anyways, we came back to my casa and made the cake.... kan turned the icing pink (on purpose, don't worry), and lai, and tacky kinda concentrated on the making of the cake with help from others. Everyone else kinda played with mi perro and sharon looked at flyers... I believe she has decided that she needs to go shopping again. lol. After they chilled my cake (i don't really know much about the process because i wasn't really aloud to see it... ) i opened presents... BTW - thanks to all of your for the awesome gifts!! I got such cool stuff!!! Lol, i think like 80% of them were pink.... Anyways then we watched the movie... it was okay, although i still have some questions that were not answered! Then went out and ordered pizza. That wasn't THAT hard... but the people were probably making fun of us afterwards... especially the ones we got to take our pictures... sad sad. Anyways, we got back, ate pizza, sang h.b. to me and i blew out the candle... *(must not tell you what my wish was)* then we ate the cake... yummy..... then we watched the forgotten. That was my second time, i liked it better than Electra. After the movie we tryed to plan what we were going to do next. That was really hard, because some people had been given wrong information. Anyways we planned to drive past viva and not go in... just to say that we had in fact been there. lol, that is so sad.... but i think miss wong got a little freaked out and wouldn't have wanted to go in after all. lol.... in the end, we drove around a lot (my parking skills were put to the test and i totally failed!). We ended up at a japanese restaurant where we snacked on healthy food... lol, "soga" or whatever it was that I had is actually really good.... yummy watermelon flavour!! That's really all there was to my night... I got home a las dos and cleaned up a little... then slept a lot. I basically have been organising and cleaning up since then... although I'm bored of that now and don't wanna do that anymore.... I want out!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

On My Way...

My current music list:
-Swing Life Away / Rise Against
-Fix You / Coldplay
-She Will Be Love / Maroon5
-Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own / U2
-Save Me / Unwritten Law
-Comme Un Fils / Corneille

If you speak french, I recomend that last one... it's beauticful. Although it is kinda weird because the signer is asking for someone to love him like a son, but I think he is talking to his girlfriend or someone like that... I KNOW! Anyways, today I am meeting up with Lai and then we are going shopping... She is calling others today to see who is comming with us. lol, cuz both our families are strict and neither of us could use the phone last night. It's really peaceful right now cuz I'm practically alone... so I don't have to listen to my parents constant "suggestions". Grr.... what would my padre know anyways? - evil comment retracted -

All I want to do is have things stay the ways they are right now.
- My birthday party is suppose to be tomorrow
- I'm leaving for university in three days
- I'm moving into my new room in four days
- My actual birthday is in six days
- School starts in seven days

*many hours later*
Okay, I just got back from the mall. Sweet times, first I thought it was only going to be lai and I but then we went to kan's house and we hung out there for a while and she came with us too. Lol, i bought a new mirror. It was beautiful! They each bought clothes, but I didn't see anything I really liked. Although the sales were pretty good. Anyways, 2mora is my party before school starts, it's going to be sooo much fun. I hope so at least. People are comming over, we will watch a movie, order pizza and then go out later. Oh ya, and we are going to try to bake a cake while we are here, but i'm sure it's going to turn into a really messy mess.... lol.